Prologue: A view into both worlds.

Start from the beginning

When Kris and Toriel arrived at the school, Toriel held his hand as they walked into the building. Before they parted ways, Toriel gave Kris a hug before running off to the classroom on the opposite side of Kris's, in which she worked. Kris then emotionlessly walked into his own classroom.

"So, does everyone have a-..." The shy teacher, Alphys, stopped herself when Kris entered the classroom. "Oh...
K-Kris! We thought you weren't coming today! We're doing group projects this month. Uhhhh... So walk around and find a partner, OK?" She explained, stuttering as usual.

Kris walked around the classroom, everyone explaining that they already had a partner. Well... Temmie had an egg, but in her defense, there's an odd number of students, so everything is fair game. Kris finally talked to Noelle, the sweet girl in class. "Hey, Kris! What's up? Didja lose your pencil again? Here. You want the candy-cane one, or the one with lights on it?" She asked, sweetly.

Kris declined her offer and asked her to be partners, via (auto input wants to say "via blackberry"... OK then.) sign language. Noelle gave a surprised expression. "Huh? You want to be partners?" She asked. Kris only nodded, confirming the answer. "Umm... Sorry... Berdly already asked me..." She told him, smiling awkwardly.

"But I could ask Miss Alphys if we could make a group of three! I'll ask if you're sure!" She suggested, cheerfully. Kris nodded, "OK! I'll ask!" Noelle responded. She then turned to the teacher. She politely raised her hand. "Miss Alphys! Umm, is it OK to have a group of three?" She asked.

Berdly turned to her in shock. "Hey! What? No! I do NOT approve of this! ABORT!" He opposed. (Ah, fuck off, Berdly. No one gives a shit...) "What? B-But Kris doesn't have a..." Noelle trailed off. "Noelle, what were you saying?" Alphys asked her. "She was just saying we're FINE being alone!" Berdly interrupted, smugly. (Berdly. If you want the fandom to love you, stop being an asshole.)

"A-Actually, I just wanted to know if..." Noelle whispered, nervously. "Noelle, can you PLEASE SPEAK UP?" Alphys asked, putting emphasis on the last three words.

But before Noelle could reply, the door burst open, revealing Susie, the school's biggest, scariest bully. Everyone, even the teachers, were scared of her. It seemed the only one that wasn't scared of her was the chief of police, Undyne. Then again, she wasn't really scared of anything.

"H... Hi, Susie..." Alphys greeted, timidly. Susie stayed silent for a moment, before she spoke up. "...Am I late?" She asked, stoically. Alphys' eyes widened in fear. "Ohh, n-no! You're fine! W-We were just, uh...
Ch-Choosing partners for the next group project, and..." She frantically explained, before trailing off. "Umm, Susie, you're with Kris!" She finished, nervously.

Susie stayed silent for moment again. "...Great." She growled, sarcastically. It was strange, really. No one could really decide if it was scarier whenever Susie talked, or was silent. "N-Now that everyone's here, I'll write the assignment!" Alphys told the class as she turned around to face the chalkboard.

The nervous dinosaur... Lizard...? Whatever she is, she looked around for the chalk, only to find it missing... Again. She turned back around to he students. She stayed silent at first due to embarrassment. "Uh... H-Has anyone seen the chalk?" She nervously asked. "This is the third time its gone missing, and... Y-You all know I can't start class without it!" She added.

No one said anything.

Alphys started to sweat nervously.
"H-How about this? If no one speaks up... E-Everyone gets in trouble!" She said, trying not to stutter. She failed that though.

Again, no one said anything.

"A... Anyone...? P... Please...?" Alphys asked, timid as ever. "Hey, there might be a box in the supply closet..." Noelle thought out loud to herself, before raising her hand again. "Miss Alphys, why don't Susie and I..." She trailed off due to Alphys' unintended interruption. "G-Good idea, Noelle! Susie, s-since you came in last... Why don't you go get it for me?" Alphys asked, hoping not to piss Susie off. "...Whatever." The mean girl said plainly, as she walked back out into the hallway, slamming the door behind her.

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