Chapter 4 | First patrol

Start from the beginning

I decided to try and change what I was thinking about so I decided to make a start on fixing up the mask. Thankfully there wasn't much damage, however it did cut across part of the skull part of it. I realised that the task of stitching without disrupting it's pattern wouldn't have been an easy feat, so I needed to do a quick test to make sure I could keep my hands stable for it. I made a snap decision to grab my switch blade and play the knife game, thinking it would be the best test of a steady hand that I had available. Surely enough, I successfully completed the song without cutting my hand. Unfortunately however, there were numerous little holes left in my desk...


With a smug smile at my 'success', I took another bite out of the next pancake and began to sew up the mask. It was kind of difficult, but I managed to fix it up and it thankfully looked as good as new. 'Good job, me' I mentally complemented myself as I put it on. I walked over to my mirror to see, and it looked as if nothing had happened to it. I let out a sigh of relief before an idea came to my head, I was given the idea and the urge to go on 'patrol' now that my 'vigilante clothes' were fixed. I swiftly shut my curtains and opened my closet, reaching in and grabbing a fairly loose shirt to change into. I then quickly shut it and went over to my chest of draws, pulling out my black jeans that were near the top. They weren't exactly loose but they also weren't tight enough to tear if I moved too fast, hell I probably could have done the splits in them... if I could do the splits that is. I changed my shirt and pants and then slid my hoodie over my shoulders to finish the outfit, if you could even call it that. But before I left, I made sure to go downstairs and lock my front door and to take my keys with me. 'Safety first' I thought, letting out a light chuckle.

But I chose not to leave through the door, instead I went back up to my room, grabbed my switchblade and clipped it to the waistline of my jeans, and left through my window after checking there was no one on the street. Since there was a little ledge outside of my window, I was crouched low on said ledge as I shut my newly found exit. I double checked my street just to be safe; I confirmed that no one was out. 'Oooo, this should be fun' I thought as I looked at a pipe that extended all the way up the side of my house. Like a spring, I jumped at the pipe and grabbed on to it tightly. With that, I began to climb up at a fair pace, excited to see how well my 'idea' would work.

Once I was fully up the pipe, I proudly stood tall on my roof; even going as far to puff my chest out a little as my eyes scanned my street up and down. A cheeky smile was plastered across my face under my mask because of the current situation. 'I could get used to doing this' I thought as I began to run along the roof of my house. Since all of the houses weren't too far apart, I began leaping from roof to roof. 'Dark night, all black and jumping roof to roof on patrol? I feel like a goddamn ninja!' I thought, I was so giddy that the smile never seemed to leave my face. Leaping from house to house, and after a decent amount of time, I crossed another gap and heard a loud bang come from a few houses back. I turned to see the sky lit up via fireworks.

I looked into the yard and saw drunk adults laughing, little kids screaming and I'm pretty sure I saw a bunch of different types of teens chatting with each other. Hell, there was even a wiener dog going psycho at the noise. All in one yard. I felt myself getting sad again, wishing I could've had a loving family during the holidays. I felt a ball come up in my throat, but I swallowed it as a teen in a hoodie similar to mine turned to look at me. He wasn't talking to anyone so I assumed he was either an asshole or an introvert, or somewhere else on that fine line. I saw him smile as he went around the corner of his house to where a few boxes were stacked. He jumped on them and acrobatically, and gracefully), made his way atop his own rooftop. 'Impressive...' I thought as I saw him stand up. He had a smug grin on his face, probably on the account of his skill, and he looked at me cockily. 'Is that a challenge?' I thought, a grin coming back under my mask. I ran at him, still a few buildings ahead. I jumped the first normally, and then did a side flip onto the second. I heard a faint "woah" while I was mid-flip, making me get slightly cocky. There was one building left between us, and I crossed it normally. He looked slightly confused as to why I stopped showing off. He looked at me blankly and I thought 'just one more trick'. I did a 'kick the moon' while on the point where the sides of the roof make the top of a triangle, landing perfectly balanced on it. Only to have the teen hop across and applaud.

"So, you that new vigilante guy?" He looked about my age so just nodded to his question. "What do they call you again?" He asked, only to get no response at first. I didn't want to speak, but I feel like a bad rep might be worse than the minimal chance my identity could be revealed. But just in case, I put on my 'special' voice.
"There's a few names. But they're sort of a mouthful" I said simply.
"You're pretty badass, man. I'd say I like your work, but I'm kind of on the fence about... you know, murder." he said calmly while sitting down beside me.
"Never wanted to, but he tried to stab me first so I had no choice. It was me or him and I'm not dying yet" I said coldly, looking over the street.
"Damn, did he hurt you at all?" He continued inquisitively.
"Cut my cheek, and my clothes" I said with a small laugh the end.
"Neat, so are you like, a super-hero or something?" He asked.
"Hero's don't kill last I checked..." I said, my tone dropping as I was swept by a wave of guilt.
"I'll just put 'anti' in front of it then?" He said, his tone making it sound like a question.
'Why does this guy ask so many questions?' I mentally groaned.

"Sure" I said bluntly, admittedly growing tired of the conversation.
"Well, I can tell you regret what you did. But personally I thank you" he said, quickly wiping his eyes with his hoodie sleeve.
"But... Why would you thank me for a murder?" I asked, my normal voice returning without me realising.
"Well, cops found out that guy killed my girlfriend. We were together for three years until he took her from me..." he said, tearing up more and beginning to actually cry. "She was the best. Her hair was a nice dirty blonde, she had these black rimmed glasses" he began. "We always joked about how she was as white as a ghost" he said with a light chuckle through his tears. "She was always shorter than I was, ever since I met her. Man I miss her so much..." he finished.
"Oh, man... I'm so... I'm sorry" I said, not knowing how to console him. 'Holy shit... I think I knew a girl like that' I thought, seeing as this guy was local and looked around my age. 'I think she went to my school... yeah she did! She was in my grade, kind of nerdy, similar vibe to this guy actually. Not to mention I've seen this guy with a girl that fit his description, holding hands with him as they walked down the hall. I had guessed that guy was a murderer but I never knew he killed someone at my school' I thought, my brain going in a rapid mental tangent.

"It's alright, you've avenged her now so now I can finally rest easy. I swore I'd get the guy you know? I sorta knew who he was because he actually killed her when we were out on a date. We were walking the streets, just coming back from a restaurant, and he pulled her away into an alleyway as I was having a smoke. By the time I realised she was gone he was..." he paused for a second, clearing his throat and wiping his eyes again before continuing. "When I saw them, he was stabbing her in the throat. I tried to chase him but... he was too fast" he explained, his voice full of resentment and sorrow. "But you've avenged her, and I thank you" he said, with a smile despite the tears flowing down his face.
"Don't worry, man, I'm here to make sure no one else dies. That's why I'm on patrol after all." I said kindly.
"Well then, I won't keep you. Happy holidays, Mr Anti-Hero" he said warmly, making me smile again.
"You too, man. You too." I said while waving him off. He turned to lower himself down, but before he got to bottom he turned to look at me once again.
"Nice human voice by the way." He said smugly. And with that, he left. My smile only grew wider as I facepalmed. With a light chuckle, I took my leave and continued going across the rooftops once again. I also noticed that I hadn't smiled this much in a long time, it was nice.

Some time passed and after I landed on what felt like the millionth roof, I was kind of surprised how I had gotten this far around. Well, that and I seemed to have come across an apartment complex. I thought it'd be a fun climb and with the view I'd probably be able to scout a little better.

'Up we go'

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