Chapter 1

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"C'mon Mackenzie. You need to meet them" my mom tells me.
"I don't feel like it" I reply and she pulls me up.
"Go" she says and I go downstairs. I see four new faces. Madison my older sister is shaking a little boys hand. Mason is shaking an older boys hand. I go up and smile at Joey because I know him. I shake the older one's hand. "I'm Mackenzie" I tell him. He gives me a weird look.
"Aren't you in my grade?" the boy asks.
"I don't know" I say and he squints.
"I'm Ashton Irwin, I'm friends with Luke, Calum, and Michael?" Ashton says.
"Oh I know Michael. I'm in his Science class" I say "and Calum, he's in my math, I think"
"So you're in my grade" Ashton says and I nod. I shake the girls hand.
"I'm Mackenzie" I smile.
"I'm Lauren, nice to meet you" she smiles back.
"I'm Mackenzie" I say to the little boy.
"I'm Harry" he smiles making me smile too. The seating at the table is my mom, Joey, Harry, Lauren, Ashton, me, Madison, and then Mason.

Ashton is picking at his food. I look over at him. "Don't look at me" Ashton says.
"What's your problem?" I ask.
"My dad hasn't talked to me since I was a kid and now he tells me I moving here with you, a new mom, my siblings, and new siblings. I don't like you, Mason's alright, Madison's alright, but there's something about you"
"Me? There's something about you. Oh wait, it's your attitude" I groan at him. "You don't even know me" I tell him and he growls at me.

"Kenzie, is there something wrong?" my mom asks. I shake my head.
"Ashton?" Joey asks.
"Yes actually there is" Joey raises his eyebrows signalling Ashton to tell him what's wrong.
"You made me come here after not talking to me for years and meet new people and a girl who I don't like already and get to call her my step-sister. Delightful." Ashton rants and I take a deep breathe.
"Ash-" Joey starts.
"Do not call me that" Ashton spits. He gets up and slams the door. He comes back in with a few suitcases. "Where's my room, Marissa" Ashton asks.
"It's Melissa" I say and he glares at me.
"Melissa, sorry" Ashton says. My mom gets up to show him his room. Ashton comes and sits down again.

"So when you leave her will I be living here still?" Ashton asks Joey. Joey rolls his eyes and ignores Ashton.

I get into my room and I'm sitting on my bed. I text my best friend, Alison telling her how bad it is having Ashton here. She knows Ashton well apparently I guess her brother has a thing with Lauren. Someone opens the door. Ashton. "Sorry, I was trying to find the bathroom" Ashton trails off.
"Oh boy, what an idiot" I say.
"Excuse me?" Ashton asks. I get up, shaking my head and then he comes into my room.
"Excuse you" I say and he squints.
"Your room is a hell of a ton bigger than mine, you have your own bathroom" Ashton says.
"So do you" I say. "Let me give you a tour, what's your middle name?" I ask.
"Why should I tell you?" Ashton growls. "It's Fletcher" he sighs. I nod. "What's yours?" he asks.
"Lynn, like my mom" I say and he nods.
"Mackenzie Lynn Davenport" he says and I shake my head. I take him downstairs and show him around.
"Living room, dining room, kitchen. If you go a little farther from the living room it's Lauren's room" I tell him and he nods. I take him over to the right of the hallway to show him. "Madison is downstairs in the basement" I tell him and he nods again. I take him upstairs. "Harry and Mason's room" I tell him and he nods as I point to the right. "Their bathroom is right there" "Mom and Joey's room, they have a bathroom" I say and point to their room. "Your room." I say and we walk in "this is your bathroom" I say.
"I thought that was a closet" he whines.
"Closet is right there, Fletcher" I point on the other side of the room.
"Ew" he says, obviously at the nickname I called him.
"Your bathroom and my bathroom are connected. We basically share a bathroom. There is a window between the bathrooms, I don't know why" I say.
"Just don't look at my penis when I'm peeing" Ashton smirks.
"Not likely" I mumble and he laughs. I walk out of his room and into mine. I look into my bathroom because I swear I heard something. The window is open. Ashton. I shut my eyes and turn over. I turn back over and look through my bathroom again.
"Are you trying to spy on me Mackenzie Lynn?" Ashton says. He's in my room. How did I not see or hear him?
"Oh my god, Ashton!" I yell and he smirks. He goes back into his room and I roll over and go to sleep.

A/N- Edited.
First chapter was short, I'm sorry. I hope you like this book, I'll be posting on Saturday's :) Next chapter will be better and I hoped you liked the chapter

The Step-Siblings || Ashton Irwin/Luke Hemmings Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now