Chapter 25

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*a year later*

Madalynn is seven months old. She's still very small and very hard to take care of but it gets easier.

I'm pretty used to taking care of Madalynn, we have a schedule. It used to be I wake up every three hours. I woke up at one in the morning, four in the morning, seven in the morning, ten in the morning, one in the afternoon, four in the afternoon, seven at night, and ten at night.

When I woke up at one it would be to put Madalynn back to sleep after feeding her and that was for Luke and Ashton. We had to do that the first month of her being born. The only time I talked to Luke or Ashton was when I had to wake up Luke to take care of Madalynn and when Ashton woke me up to take care of Madalynn.

The second month I got to talk to them a bit more. Instead of waking up every three hours, I woke up every six because Madalynn sleeps for three hours through the night. We woke up at eight in the morning, we fed Madalynn, clothed her, played with her a little and she had a nap at noon and by seven at night, she'd be back asleep until ten. I stayed up with her at ten while Luke and Ashton go to sleep and then I woke up again at one in the morning and four in the morning. I was always tired because I let Luke and Ashton sleep through the night but then we started taking a day where we would stay up.

At three and four months it was even easier because Madalynn only had to eat seven to eight times a day and she slept for six hours and then seven which was a lot compared to the first two months. Madalynn first smiled when she was three months old and she loves playing and making me smile. She started to babble or make funny noises. She could lift her head and chest and she loved rolling.

At three and a half months, Luke was playing with her and she was shaking her toy and then she threw it at Luke and he had a fat lip for a week.

Five and six months were even easier. I only had to feed her five to seven times a day and she was smiling and laughing and babbling more. She loved sitting in her little bounce chair and she still does.

Now I feed her four to six times a day, she's still smiling and laughing and babbling little "conversations" with me. She still loves to roll around and she can now sit without my help. She bounces when I hold her which I find funny when someone else is holding her but it also worries me. She loves her toys a lot but she also likes to throw them so I've had to tell her no a few times and when I do she listens. She loves peekaboo or little "find the toy" games.

Madalynn actually grew up fast, though she's only seven months it feels like I was pregnant just a few months ago.

Luke and Ashton love Madalynn. Luke is her biological father, hell she looks almost exactly like him but I've decided that I like Ashton as her second father. The only people who have met Madalynn so far are the people in my house. Calum and Michael haven't even come over to meet her and her grandparents on Luke's side haven't met her yet.

Luke is a great father, I figured he would be but he's actually better than I expected. Madalynn loves Luke and she always laughs at his funny faces and weird noises he makes.

Ashton is a good dad too but he's not as playful. He giggles with Madalynn which is very cute but he doesn't play with her like Luke does and he's more serious.

Ashton is a bit jealous that Luke lives here because even though Ashton lives here too, I spend a lot of my time with Luke since him and I are always with Madalynn and Ashton typically leaves to be with Calum and Michael.

Luke and I get a full eight hours of sleep because we make Madalynn go to sleep at seven so we sleep until two in the morning and one of us gets up to feed her and put her back to sleep and then she'll sleep for another three to six hours and the other person has to get up then.

Ashton took care of Madalynn the first couple of months but at three months he started to leave and then at four and five months he was gone half the time and now he's gone the majority of the time.

My family barely hangs out with Madalynn, mostly because I haven't let them yet but tomorrow I'm going to go downstairs and be with everyone the whole day and they're all going to really meet her and Luke's family is coming over too so they're going to meet Madalynn as well.

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