Chapter 2

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It's 04:20 and the storm outside is still raging. Liam's room is dark, only the lightning fills the room with bright light every once in a while. Yet, he is still asleep. Badly, but sleeping.

He wakes up from a loud sound of his door being opened. Out of nowhere someone is in his room. He freaks out and in less than a second he's ready to attack whatever is in his room. The first thought that comes into his mind is hunters, it must be a hunter.

'Can you stay calm for at least a second ? I didn't come here to kill you. If that was my plan, then you would be already dead by now.' Liam heard Theo's voice and returned his breathing back to normal. I's only Theo, no need to panic that much.

'What do you want ? It's the middle of the night, couldn't it wait till the morning ?' Liam was irritated, more than ever, but he tried to hide it :'You don't just break into someone's room in the middle of the night, especially not without their permission.'

'Trust me, I wouldn't break into your room, if it wasn't important. It's not like you already annoy me enough, so no, I won't find a reason to spend nights with you, dumbass. I'm not a fan of spending my free time with you, so if I'm in your room in the middle of the night, then yes, it's important !' Theo was being sarcastic once again. He didn't actually hate Liam that much, but no matter what he would never admit it. After everything they have been through and after many fights , that they have won together, Theo had started to like him, just a little - enough to be friendly with him from time to time. He still wouldn't call Liam his friend, but he for sure respects him enough to trust him.

'Okay, I get it, you don't like me and just so you know -I feel just the same about you. What happened ? Is everyone alright ?' Liam simply asked like they didn't just tell each other about how much they hate one another

'Well, for now, yes, but if we won't do anything, they won't be okay for too long, so I give you ten seconds to get ready. I'll be in my car, I'll explain everything you there, I have no time for that now.' Theo said and turned around to go away.

'Wait, how do I know you're not lying to me ? How do I know that I can trust you ?' Liam was being unsure, but then again - he had to trust him. There weren't any other options, at least not now, when someone is in a possible danger or something else is going on.

'Are we back to this again ? Look, dumb-ass, I have saved your life more than once, so yes, you can trust me and you should trust me.' Theo replied and went out of the room

'Looks like I don't even have a choice.' Liam sighed and followed Theo.

it's true, Liam doesn't completely trust Theo, but as the time goes by he has found himself trusting him more and more. A few months ago he would have never went to his car in the middle of the night just because he says he has to. After all, Theo did save his life and maybe the reasons for that weren't selfish, but then again - Liam and everyone from the pack are still concerned about Theo and his actions. After all it's Theo Raeken, you never know what he's up to.

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