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Sisters Valarie and Laurel are witches in a world where they aren't meant to exist, it can be challenging, hiding who they are from their friends and some family members. Valarie and her sister have been guardians of this realm (Earth) since the day they each turned 13 years old before that was their mother Emery Crane. Valarie is in her senior year of high school, instead of going out with friends and planning her future and relishing the high school year experience, here she was with her little sister in the amidst the backwoods of the forest just a few miles from their home, checking for open portals.

Valarie Ann Anderson the decedent of earth's most powerful witches, she and her sister Laurel Anna Anderson have been tasked as the protectors of the of earth from the otherworldly creatures that threaten the very existence of the human world. There are multiple realms that connect with one another, there are three realms: the Human realm, Lycan realm, and spirit realm.

"Hey Val, did Peter ask you out to the dance yet?" Laurel asked her sister all of a sudden, she does that a lot, she's like the happiest person on planet earth, always the one to bring the light in a dark room full of strangers, "really Lo, you think this is the best time to be asking that?" Valarie tells her and she just ignores her and asks again "come on sis you need to start dating sometime soon, plus he's hot, isn't he?" Laurel is very persistent when it came to her sister's love life or lack thereof. "He did, I said yes happy?" she squeals and flanges her arms around her sister's neck with a huge smile on her face.

The girls have been out here for almost two hours now and nothing out of the ordinary has occurred, so I ring my mother. "Mum there is nothing out here, can we come back now?" she asks her mother over the phone "no! This is part of your training, you can't always rely on the defence barrier to warn you on what's to come" she orders back in her stern voice than hangs up the phone on me without saying another word, ladies and gentlemen Emery Crane my mother. "I don't know why I even try anymore," I say to no one in particular, when their mother gets like this there is no changing her mind. Having the duty that falls upon them would be a huge burden on anybody let alone  teenagers and Emery Crane is all too familiar with that and her own mother had started her training at a much younger age of 7 years old, forced to be raised in isolation unable to attend school instead being home-schooled or even have the opportunity to make friends. Emery's mother believed that interacting with other people (Humans) would interfere with her training.

"What are you doing?" Laurel asked her sister as she went and sat down under the large tree in the middle of the opening in the forest near the one and only portal that they had in the earth realm. "Studying" she replied back to her, Valarie has always been a high achiever when it came to her education. besides being a witch she was a senior two weeks away from graduating high school and four months away from starting her higher education and going to med-school.

"Sometimes I wonder how we are sisters" Laurel walks over to her sister  and checks the books that she has in her hands reading the title " Anatomy 101, you really are the biggest nerd I've ever met," said says to her and pulls out her phone to check the time '8:00 pm' 16-years-old and stuck in a forest on a Saturday night.
"If I want to keep my scholarship, I have to start studying now."

"You are the smartest person I know Val, you are going to be amazing in med school, the real life 'Doctor Strange' with great hair," Laurel told her older sister

"Thanks, Lo," Valarie told her sister, the two of them have been like two peas in a pod for so long, with their neglectful mother and an absentee father. their father had left right after Laurel was born, their mother never explained as to why he left, only that they were all better off without 'the waste of space' and the topic of Michael Anderson was never brought up again. both girls had tried getting information about their father but Emery would never reveal much information. All their lives the sisters have always been told that they should never be involved in the workings of the mundane life as the rest of their friends and children their age would do. At one point Emery Crane wanted her kids to drop out of school in order to for the girls to focus solely on their training to protect the human race against the other realms.

"we should go back now, I'm tired it's Saturday and I'm stuck in a forest, nothing is going to happen here like always," Laurel said

"mother would never let us leave"

"Nothing is happening! let's just go, please?"

"just one more hour," Valarie tells her sister

"Seriously? we won't miss anyth-" Laurel stopped talking midway through her sentence, distracted by the blinding light coming from the space between the two oak trees in the middle of the forest. the light was so bright both girls had to cover them with hands, all of a sudden the light died down and the sound of a growl can be heard, coming from the spot the light was.
The growls got louder and louder, Valarie looked up at the direction the growls were coming from, her eyes widened at the sight in front of them.
"Is that a wolf?" Laurel asked her sister,the deep blue of the wolf stared back at the sisters with some much intensity and rage.

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