19. The Graduation Day

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"So Sam should I sit with you and your class or will you sit with me and the other Novak's?" Gabe asked.

"I guess I'll sit with you and the other Novak's." I responded.

"Alright see you then I have to go get the others tell 'em it's starting soon." Gabe said he joyously walked over to the parking lot.

"Were going out to the yard to see the graduation." The teacher gathered us all and led us out to the yard. I saw the other classes filing out of their classes then I saw Gabe looking around for me. He saw me and waved me over.

"Miss. Can I go over to sit with my uh family?" I asked my teacher.

"Oh yes." She said getting everyone to sit In rows. I walked over to Gabe.

"Hey Moose care to join us?" Gabe joked and kissed me.

"I'd love to." I sat next to him.

"So you want to got to a summer camp with me?" Gabe asked.

"Summer camp? Sounds fun."

"I'll be a consoler this year and wanted a kid who I know will help me keep everything together." Gabe smiled.

"You mean you want a kid who will do your job for you?" I joked.

"You caught me. So you want to come?"

"Yeah sure can you give me a pamphlet or something so I can tell when and how long I'll be there?" I asked so I could pack.

"Yeah here take this." He handed me a pamphlet with the words Camp Čielo on the front in big fancy letters.

"It's that Esparonto?" I said Gabe looked confused.

"Espa-What-to?" Gabe asked.

"Esparonto it's basically a Latin language that combines all other Latin languages and is easy to understand and the spelling is completely phonetic, like no silent letters that make languages hard to understand." I explained.

"Oh so it's just trying to fix other languages." Gabe said.

"Sh! The graduation is about to begin." Michael shushed us.

"Hello my name is Miss Macleod I have been the Home room for all the lovely seniors. I have been doing my best to help them grow their minds and souls so they can graduate with all of the needs they might have, although I can't take all the credit for sculpting their young minds I'd also like to shout out my fellow teachers for sculpting their minds and body's for the outside world. Now let's get on with the students. Samuel Cult." She finished her speech.

"Do or do not there is no try- Yoda. My name is Samuel Cult and my ideal job would be an engineer or a blacksmith."

"Thank you Samuel, Garth Fitzgerald the forth."

"We don't grow when things are easy we grow when we face challenges. My idea of a dream job is Dog trainer." The teacher names names and they went one by one then Dean came along.

"Dean Winchester."

"Time that you enjoy wasting is not waisted - John Lennon. My ideal career is Well I don't know yet I think mechanic would be fun but maybe I'll be a chef I've been told my cookings great." Dean smiled at Cas and he giggled.

"Castiel Novak."

"Present I mean." Cas cleared his voice and walked up stage Dean gave him a thumbs up sign. "There will always be a 'lie' in believe an 'over' in lover an 'end' in friend an 'us' in trust and an 'if' in life but it will always be worth fighting for - Dean Winchester. My name is Castiel Novak I don't know what I want to do but I know I want to have a life with love." He looked over at Dean and Dean looked back with a smile. Cas walked off stage.

"...." the teacher finished up and the day ended Bobby had arrived just before Dean and Cas so he was there.

"My boy I'm so proud of you" Bobby hugged Dean.

"Cas!" Samantha tan up to Cas. "I was moved my boy that was lovely." She hugged Cas real tight.

"Thanks but would you mind if I went to talk to Dean alone?" Cas asked and Samantha nodded.

Cas' POV

I walked off to the side with Dean.

"So what is it you wanted to say?" Dean asked.

"Dean I know you already proposed but let's make it official." I nealed and held out my arm with an open ring box. "I know it's only been a year but..." everyone gathered around us. "Dean Winchester I love you and I've loved every minute with you. I'm always happy with you and just wanted to know if you'd marry this dumbass?" I asked his eyes welled up then he just smiled and whispered. "Copy cat"

"Cas I just have two words for you" Dean put his hand out with two fingers "I... do" he put down one finger with each word. My face lit up and I put the Golden band ring with the engraving of wings on the ends of the words Destiel "Hey babe why is Destiel significant?" He asked me.

"Because its a combination of out names." I kissed him on the cheek and the crowd dispersed just leaving our family. I looked and saw a few people walked off the field but saw one walking to us it was John Winchester!

"Dean, Cas congratulations." He looked at our rings. "Wait are you two" he smiled. "Getting married?" He got excited.

"Yes." Dean said with a smile.

"That's wonderful I'm so happy for you." John said. Charlie ran up to Sam and showed him her phone.

"I got the whole thing on tape." She said them looked at us and grinned. "My ship is super canon I'm so happy." She hugged me and Dean real tight.

A little slice of Winchester (Destiel/Sabriel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora