11. The caotic christmas at Bobbys

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3rd person.

'Twas the night before Christmas and all threw the house just one creature was stirring and it wasn't a mouse. Our dear Dean Winchester was laying in his bed awake thinking of his little angel, Castiel, that day on Christmas Dean would find that he didn't sleep right and now his arm pains.

"Sam it's Christmas, it's Christmas" Dean rapidly knocked on Sams door. Dean does that every Christmas. Dean has a childish spirit that always came out on Christmas. Sam woke up suddenly he didn't bother putting on actual clothes and left his room whirring his moose PJ's and neck pillow that Gabe got him.

"Dean! Sam! come on out I got breakfast!" Bobby said and what the boys didn't know was that there was someone out in the living room waiting for them.

"Hey, boys" a deep voice said from the dinning room.

"D- Dad?" Sam's voice cracked.

"John why are you here?" Dean asked annoyed.

"Well I was told that on holidays I can come over." John smiled.

"How much have you been drinking lately?" Dean said John bowed his head in disappointment.

"T- oo much" John was upset at himself, he loved his boys and hated himself for doing that. "But can't we just have a good Christmas?" John changed the subject.

"Yeah, so what's for breakfast?" Sam said he sat down to a table with a plate of sausage and eggs in front of him.

"So boys how have you been?" John asked.

"I got a boyfriend..." Sam said he stopped quickly. Dean looked at John as if to say 'if you hurt him I'll kill you'

"That's great Sam." John was happy for his boy "What's his name?" Sam and Dean were surprised at there fathers answer Dean still didn't trust him.

"Oh, his uh name is Gabriel"

"Dean how 'bout you? you got anyone?"

"Um yes I do." Dean said hesitant to tell his father about Cas.

"What's there name?" Dean didn't respond.

"I don't want to tell you..." Dean was nervous no matter how John has changed he would always be the same damn alcoholic who Dean happily left when he was a kid and would happily leave again.

"Alright, you don't got to." John could hear Dean's destress and even though he had been drunk half of there relationship it didn't mean he wasn't still Dean's Dad. John had a feeling that Bobby new who the lucky kid who got his sons heart and had a speculated that it was a guy due to his not so great history with that.

"So Bobby hows my boys been treating ya?" John blurted in the silence.

"Oh these kids have been great, helping out here and there, getting to school on their own and their boyfriends are so nice" Dean's eyes widened his face was scared he thought that John was ready to pummel him.

"Good" John smiled "I'm glad my boys are doing well here." Dean's eyes filled with hate

"So you're happy that we're treating Bobby well and didn't care that the way you had treated us had made me fear you for all of my life" Dean was upset he hated John, John could never make it up to Dean after all the countless hours of fear and rules John had burned into Dean little kid brain just being near John hurt Dean.

"Dean I... I'm sorry." John tried to apologize but Dean wouldn't take it.

"Sorry's not gonna cut it this time!" Dean was on the edge of shouting. "After the years that I had feared you no apologies will ever cut it!"

"Dean I didn't know you felt that way..." John started.

"I'm going to my room excuse me." Dean said calmly and walked up to his room.

Dean's POV

I was tired of Johns BS and just wanted to see Cas. I piked up my phone and called him.

Hello Cas said cheerfully Dean how are you?

"I wish I was with you Cas" I laid on my bed.

Why's that I thought you liked Christmas?

"My dad you know John he's here"

Oh I'm not sure how I can help

"Just hearing your voice and s good enough for me" I smiled. There was a muffled voice in the background.

Gabe wants to know how Sam is

"Oh Sammy's fine" more muffled voices spoke.

Oh I have to go love you Cas made a kissing sound over the phone.

"Love you too bye Cas" I hung up.

Knock "Who was that?" John stood at my door.

"No one" I said still upset.

"Is Cas the name of the lucky guy who one you over" we both laughed

"How long were you there?"

"I Umm the whole conversation... I followed you to your room." John said nervously I rolled my eyes.

"So Dean I was hoping there was a way to let you see that I've changed or at least that I'm not drinking as much." John said.

"Don't drink any beer and only one glass of wine on fancy occasion for a year and I'll see you as my Dad instead of John Winchester just a man" I said, and sat up from my bed.

"I- if I fail what will you see me as?"

"And alcoholic who can't leave a beer for one year, so I'll hate you even more." I scowled.

"I will try." John frowned. I looked up at him.

"Do or do not there is no try." I smiled.

"Star Wars, Yoda." He smiled. "Empire Strikes Back." He grinned a big happy grin.

"Dinga linga ling, give this man a prize" I joked.

"Now let's go, we got some presents to open." We walked back down stairs to the living room.

3rd person

John and Dean returned to the living room to meet Bobby and Sam by the Christmas Tree.

"Dean I got something for you." Sam handed Dean a large blue box with a fake bow. Dean ripped off the rapping paper, reviling a necklace box containing a necklace with black Angel wings and a name plate that said Dean and flipped over to say Castiel. Dean loved it but wanted to seem manly although he had blushed and put it on immediately.

"Sammy why do you keep on giving me necklaces?" Dean and Sam laughed looking at the necklace Sam gave Dean when Sam was six because John was out.

The family continued opening gifts and had a great day and though Dean still didn't like John he didn't hate him as much because John promised not to drink all year.

A little slice of Winchester (Destiel/Sabriel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя