Chapter 8

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Day 1

I go to school the next day with skinny jeans and an off the shoulder shirt. When I get there something seems off. I don't know exactly what it is but I have a bad feeling.

I walk over to my friends and Josh kisses my cheek and he looks at my confused expression.

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

"I don't know." I say back honestly. 

Then lunch comes around and thats the start of the next terrible three days. It starts like this. We all sit down at our usual table. Thats when two uninvited cheerleaders approach our table, one sporting a broken nose that I gave her.

"Hey Josh." Claire, aka broken nose girl. Brooke smirks at Claire. She gives him a look that makes my stomach churn. Josh shifts uncomfortably next to me.

"Why are you with a girl who just swings her fist and acts irrationally?" Before any of us can say anything, she continues.

"Your good looking, you could date almost anyone. So why her? I'm sure I have a better personality than her. Not to mention I sure as hell am better looking." Then we make eye contact. And then she walks over to my boyfriend, stands between his legs and kisses him on the lips. I stare shocked as Josh doesn't push her away immediately. When he finally does, I stand up and slap the bitch who just kissed my boyfriend. She looks at me with a smirk on her face clearly satisfied with my reaction. Then they leave. The cafeteria is quiet. 

"Leanna." I look at Josh as angry tears stream down my face.

"Not now. Okay." I say. I leave the cafeteria. I leave the school. I leave to go home. I slam my car door, and in the process, to make matter worse, the tip of my thumb gets caught. I yell and angrily throw the door open. When I get inside, I run upstairs and scream in my room and despite my injured thumb, I slam my hand into my mirror. There are cuts that go down to my wrist and I sigh. 

"Damn it." I whisper. What Claire said really got to me. I know I'm not anything that she said about me. But the fact he didn't push her away as soon as she did it scares me. I trust Josh. I do not trust Claire. But I trust Josh. I trust Josh with my life.

Day 2

 I go to school the next day. I left my phone at home and shut it off due to the nonstop calls and texts coming from my friends. I manage to avoid everyone until lunch. Why I entered that lunch room? I don't know. Maybe I wanted to prove to everyone that I'm strong enough to handle girls like Claire. And maybe I just wanted to talk to Josh. 

My wishes came true when I feel someone grab my hand. I wince and mentally slap myself for not wrapping it. Someone spins me around and I am met with my boyfriends eyes.

"Leanna what happened to your hand?" I sigh and look down.

"Why didn't you pull away?" I whisper. Josh looks shocked at my question.

"Leanna I was taken by surprise. What else was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know." I say my voice cracking. He pulls me into his arms and for a moment I want to stay there. I pull away.

"I need some time for myself." I say. Josh frowns but nods slowly. I leave him there and leave the cafeteria for a second day in a row.

I go to the mall.

I start with the nail salon.

The next stops is the hair salon.

And then I shop.

The day calms me and slowly helps my self esteem. When I get home my mother is there.

"Honey why aren't you in scho- Oh my gosh what happened to your hand?!" I smile at her and drop my bags on the floor.

Then I explain everything to her. I tell her how I felt when it happened, anyhow it made me feel after what happened. And how I broke my mirror and also almost broke my thumb.

"Honey Josh is probably worried about you." She says.

"I know. I just- I just wanted a day to help myself." my mother smiles and then pulls me into a hug.

"I love you baby. You are so strong, and I'm so proud of you."

Day 3

Josh shows up at my house after school. I actually went the whole day instead of leaving at lunch. But I sat away from him and completely ignored his presence in every class. He was upset, and sorry. But now I'm over it. And I miss my boyfriend so I pull him inside.

Josh's POV

"Come on." Leanna says tugging my hand. She pulls me upstairs into her room. Once she shuts the door, she turns around and looks at me.

"Leanna I'm so sor-" before I can finish, her lips smash into mine. At first I don't really react but after I realize what's going on, I kiss her back immediately. Leanna's hands run up underneath my shirt and I get lost in moment as my hands go up hers. The next things I know, tongue's are clashing and before this goes any farther I stop.

I pull away and Leanna looks hurt at my actions.

"Why did you do that?" I ask her.

"What I can't kiss my boyfriend now?" She laughs.

"No." I say. I grab her arm and pull up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "That." She cringes slightly, as if remembering exactly what she did to earn those scars.

"Josh  it was an accident."

"Promise me you won't do it again. I don't want you hurting yourself." I say firmly. She doesn't answer.

"I promise." I sigh happily and kiss her hand.

"Okay I have to go. We have a game to tomorrow and I'm sure your tired." She nods and I kiss her cheek.

"Goodnight love."


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