Chapter 30

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Maggie and I stare at the first prom poster for this year.

"This is going to be our last prom." Maggie says still staring at the poster.

"I know." I breath out. It was crazy to think that we were actually going to graduate and maybe even be separated. I loved my friends so much. The prom poster said Prom? and it didn't really have a theme.

"All the girls have to go dress shopping together!" Maggie says excitedly. I agree smiling at her. Once I finally dragged Maggie away from the poster we went to first period. The whole crew had first period together so its always fun.

Once school finally ended. I met up with the girls at Emily's house. As soon as I walked into the front door after Emily yelled come in and they dragged me to her room.

"Ok guys prom is in 3 freaking weeks. We need to plan multiple dress shopping days. We also have to send the guys to get tuxedos and all that." Emily was talking a mile a minute I almost didn't catch the end.

"This has to be our best prom ever." she breathed out.


"And you need to breath." Maggie says interrupting her. I laugh and Emily stops talking.

"Ok where and when should we go dress shopping?" Alexa says.

"Before we answer that, I say the boys get tuxedos after we get our dresses so they know what to look for." Maggie adds. Suddenly all of this prom stuff was giving me anxiety. All I heard was dresses, tuxes, make-up, hair...and on and on.

"We can settle on a date tomorrow." I say wanting then to stop talking about it. They all nod and we decide to go to the mall and get some food. While walking to the food court, we walked by a freaking prom dress store. I face palm myself.

"Leanna I really don't wanna die before I graduate so if your gonna like decide to strangle everyone I would like a heads up." Maggie says. I ignore her and continue to walk to the food court desperately needing a coffee from Starbucks. I order a caramel brûlée latte and sit down with the girls.

Next day

"Okay so next week on Tuesday and Thursday we are going to go dress shopping?" Maggie says. We finally agreed to 2 days that were good for our schedules. I hear my phone ring and quickly answer it.

"Leanna?" Emmet speaks into the phone.

"Emmet?" I mock.

"So I know you were wondering who Blake and I were going to prom with-"

"You found someone?" I ask. I needed to know who else to invite to our inner circle dress shopping.

"We're going stag!" I hear Blake yell in the background causing me to laugh.

"You two boys could't find dates? Looks like you both are going to be single forever.." I say in a sing-song voice teasing them.

"I'll text you the tux dates then."

We all decided the boys would go tuxedo shopping on the Tuesday before prom. Prom was on a Friday. I couldn't wait.

"Ok guys I have to go I have a date with Josh." I say before I leave. I drive home quickly and touch up some of my curls with my wand. Since I was going so fast I earned a burn on the side of my hand.

"Damn it!" I yell dropping the wand. The skin on my right hand was bright red and a little bubbly. I sprint down stairs and grab an ice pack sticking it on my hand.

"Holy shit." I hiss when pain shoots up my arm. I look at the time and realize I was going to get picked up by Josh in like 2 minutes. I run back up stairs and unplug my curling iron. Before I leave my room I grab an ace bandage for my hand. The door bell of my house rings and I dash downstairs, again wrapping my hand on the way. When I open the door I see Josh standing there with roses in his hand.

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