Chapter 29

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Leanna's POV

After school we all decided to go to the beach. It was last period and I almost died. The period was so long. All of us were in the same class so we kept on glancing at each other. 10 minutes left.

"Ok so continue to write these notes-"

7 minutes left.

"Leanna are you paying attention?"

5 minutes left.

"Leanna Hampton?!?"

3 minutes.

"Do you want a detention?" Josh nudges my arm and then the bell rings.

"Sorry Mrs.Smith gotta go!" I say winking. I dash out of the classroom running to my car. I already had my beach stuff in their. Maggie hopped on in along with Josh and Zach.

"Shot gun!" Maggie yells and the 2 boys pout in the back. I laugh to myself throwing my hair in a messy ponytail. Quickly throwing on my glasses I start the car following Adam's. I open all the windows and the roof of my car window as well.

"Leanna you practically ignored Mrs.Smith." Maggie says laughing.

"Shhhh we're not in school so don't mention anything to do with it." I whisper. She laughs again and I continue to drive to the beach. I turn on the radio and Blank Space by Taylor Swift comes on. Maggie and I smirk at the boys through the rear view mirror. And we all laugh starting to sing along.

"Nice to meet you, where you been.
I can show you incredible things.
Magic, madness, heaven sin." we keep on singing until the chorus.

"Got a long list of ex lovers.
They'll tell you I'm insane.
But I gotta blank space baby,
and I'll right your name." Josh smirks and winks at me. A blush comes to me cheeks and he laughs. When Taylor Swift says "Cuz darling I'm a nightmare dressed as a daydream" I look at Josh evilly and his face has shock written all over him and I giggle. Finally we reach the beach and all I wana do is tan. I pull my car up to an area where we can have easy access from the beach. when we unload the car we lay down many blankets on the sand and start taking off our cover clothing. My bikini was strapless and had black and a periwinkle color on it with black bottoms. It was my favorite bathing suit. I kept my car on so we could listen to music. We all layed their for awhile getting ready to go swimming when clouds by one direction came on.

"I know you said," I start singing pointing at Josh.

"That you don't like to complicate it." He laughs and I finish the song. All eyes were on me. I felt like the whole beach was looking at me! A blush crept up on my cheeks and Josh chuckled.

"Ok everyone, I know my girlfriend is beautiful but take a picture it last longer." he shouts making everyone go back to their "stuff". Zach smirks at Maggie and I know the look. He throws Maggie over his shoulder taking her to the ocean. She screams for him to put her down. I was laughing so hard that I didn't even realize Josh was doing the same to me.

"Josh Harrison! Put me down!" I yell. All he does is laugh and I continue to smack his back. My body was met with icy cold water as Josh put me in it. I quickly go on my tippy toes and Josh tries to kiss. I smirk and lean in but splash him instead.

"Come on babe!" He whines. I giggle running away from. His arm catches my waist and he brings me under with him. Once I go back to the surface, I glare at Josh.

"What?" He asks innocently. I cross my arms and walk out of the ocean.

"Leanna, come on!" He whines. I keep on walking and then something pierced into my foot.

"Shit!" I say falling on the ground.

"Leanna!" Emmet says running to my side. He looks at my foot and cringes.

"Is it bad?" I ask worriedly.

"Uh maybe? Just a little." he says shuddering.

"Your useless." I mutter. Josh came over right after.

"Holy shit! Leanna what the hell did you do?" He shouts. A few kids looked at him scared.

"My bad." Josh says to an angry parent laughing nervously.

"Idiot." I mutter.

"What if I go get Adam he's good with this stuff." Emmet says finding an excuse to leave. I sigh. These boys are not helpful at all. Adam sprints over to me laughing at something Josh said.

"Really guys? It's not even that bad." Adam says. I glare at Emmet and Josh.

"Go get a life guard they might have something to put on it." Emmet goes and comes back with a life guard. A very attractive shirtless life guard. Sorry Josh.

"Hello." The life guard says to me with a smile. He takes out some rubbing alcohol and I cringe.

"This might hurt a little." he says sincerely. I grab Josh's hand and squeeze it.

"Brother?" He asks looking at Josh.

"Boyfriend." Josh mutters. I giggle. He gets so jealous.

"Oh." the life guard mumbles with a frown. After he put a band aid on my foot, he told me I could still go in the water if I want. I stood up immediately falling down because it hurt.

"Piggyback ride?" Josh says raising an eyebrow. I laugh climbing onto him.

"Leanna your like the lightest girl person I know." he chuckles. "Except for your Em and your sister. But she's also like 4." I laugh. When we get to the towel Josh places me down. I look at Emily while she wasn't paying attention. There was a seagull eyeballing her sandwich. I watch as the seagull gets close enough and snatched it from her hands.

"Hey!" She screeches as the bird flys away.

"God damn bird." She mutters. I laugh and she looks at me laughing to.

After the beach we all went home considering we had a game tomorrow.

Next day

First half was about 20 minutes in when coach told me to play defenders position for a little since we had none on our bench. The other team stole the ball and the kid was about to take a shot. Since he was so close I knew it was definitely going in. So, protecting my goal I stepped in front of it. The ball smacked me in the face. I fall backwards holding my nose. When I pull my hand off all I see is blood. Josh runs over to me along with my coach.

"Come on Leanna off the field." he says.

"What no. I'm fine." I insist. The ref laughs.

"The girl is bleeding and she thinks she's ok." he laughs.

"Come on Leanna just get off the field until your nose stops bleeding." Josh says. I sigh agreeing and heading off the field.

My nose didn't stop bleeding until 2 hours after my game ended.

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