Chapter 10

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Leanna's POV

I lay in my bed complately bored. Without soccer I would be fat and would have no life. Its now friday night and I haven't played soccer for about 5 days. Ughhh I hate life. Tommorow Josh is taking me to see a new movie and I've been told its really sad. I have no clue what happens in that movie but I'm sure I will end up crying on Joshs shoulder all night. My ribs still kill from "Eric" body slamming me and not to mention the pain his stupid face caused my knuckles. On sunday I also get to watch my game. I will probably end up begging coach if I can play, and then he will say no. Trust me I know from experience.

Tommorow Night-------------

I wear ripped jeans and a crop top that was flowy. On my feet were my black vans. I didn't do anything special too my hair, just put it into a side braid. Josh arrived at my house at 8:00 so we could go see the movie for 8:30. While watching previews before the movie Josh and I made small talk.

"You know why I brought you to this movie?" Josh asks.


"So I can comfort you when you cry at the end."

"I won't cry." I scoff.

"Ill take you up on that."


Why did he have too die? The previews make it seem like the girl dies but noooo the boy has to die. In the end of our night Josh was right and I was wrong. I cried on Josh's shoulder for 10 minutes AFTER the movie and then I had to stop so we could go home. When we reached my house Josh walked me to the door. 

While he kissed me goodnight I imagined my dad opening the door and telling Josh to go home but that didn't happen. Instead, I stand there, my lips not moving as my boyfriend kisses me. One single tear ran down my cheek. I didn't think Josh noticed untill he wiped it away with his thumb. He pulled it away looking at me sadly.

"Princess I know what your thinking right now and I just want you to know that I cant make you happier now that you lost your dad. I will never be that man in your life. I could never replace your dad. But I want you to know that I want you to be happy just like you were before the accident even if takes a life time." His words make me cry harder. I run my finger across the bruise Dean made right above his eyebrow. I love him so much. Thinking about loosing him kills me everyday. What about college? God I need to realize that this boy loves me and I love him.

"I love you Josh."

"I love you you Leanna. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Josh kisses the top of my head and walks to his house. I go up to my room exhausted. I sit on my bed when I hear the door open slightly. Sophie comes running in Aaron behind her.

"Hello my siblings. " I say.

"Hey!" They both say. We all laugh, the first time in forever.

"Guys?" Sophie asks. Aaron and I nod letting her know we are listening.

"We should hang out more."

"We should." I say. After we have a few conversations we all go to sleep.

The next morning, I get up and change into my uniform along with my gear. Even though I'm not playing I still want to wear my uniform. Josh picks me up and we head to the school. Since its an away game we have to take the bus. The bus ride was loud. I sit with Emily, with Maggie across from us.

"How are you and Joshy?" Maggie asks, examining my hand from her seat.

"Good. I was just a little upset about, what Claire said to me y'know?" They nod.

"But I know Josh loves me and I know he means it when he compliments me everyday. I just needed time."

"You know you could have called us right?" Emily says.

"Of course. I just wanted some time to make sure I was okay. I'm sorry for not talking to you guys about it."

"Its whatever. We're just happy that you're fine other than this." Mags says poking my hand.

"Ow!" I yelp.

"Bitch." I say. Emily gasps.

"Sorry." I apologize. "I always forget that you resemble a child." I say laughing. Em pouts.

"But anyways, Josh and I have been good."

"I heard my name." A voice says behind me.

"Josh!" I say hitting his chest.

"Go away! We are having girl talk." I say shooing him away.

"But I want youu." He whines. I think ever since the three day break, Josh has been wanting to spend more time with me. Like when he brought us to the movies. Josh hates cuddling at the movies because according to him, 'Theres to much distance between us'. He's such a weirdo.

"Josh go." I say again. Josh doesn't have the chance to leave us alone because the bus stops. 

"Who's ready to win this game?"

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