Chapter 35

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Leanna's POV

"JOSH HARRISON COME DOWN HERE!" I excitedly yell in my boyfriends house. I have an envelope in my hand and I also may have snooped in Josh's mailbox to see if he got the same one, and sure enough he did.

"Leanna you really don't have to yell." Josh says coming down the stairs. I waved the two envelopes in front of his face with a huge smile.

"Those aren't what I think they are." Josh says pointing at the two identical letters in my hand.

"They are!" I shriek. He snatches his letter from my hand and we both rip it open.

"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....Congratulations blah blah..... you have been accepted into Boston University! " I scream with excitement and jump into Josh's arms as he spins me around. Once he puts me down I continue to scan the letter. We were both accepted/ scouted for our talents in soccer and other things too. Josh and I had gotten a few letters for the same thing but we never got the same college until now. BU was my dream college and is the 3rd best Women's Soccer College.

"We have to tell everyone." he says.

"We could have a party and have everyone over." I suggest and Josh nods in agreement. This day can't get any better.


"Leanna your graduation gown and cap came in! And Josh is her!" I walk out of my room and go to the staircase. Before I can make it to the stairs I trip over a chair while stubbing my toe.

"Shit!" I yell as I fall to the ground face first. I hear a burst of laughter coming down stairs and I look up seeing my oh so great boyfriend crying on the ground because he was laughing so hard. Next to him was my little sister who was also laughing. What a great family I have. I get up and walk downstairs ignoring the throbbing in my toe as I glare at Sophie and Josh. Who are both by the way still laughing. I grab the package from the counter and don't even bother opening it as I through it up the stairs.

"Leanna the was hilarious." Josh said once he stopped laughing after 10 minutes.

"No it wasn-" I stopped talking when I saw the front door open. My older brother walked into our house and I screamed.

"AARON!" I yell jumping on him. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waste. I haven't seen my brother in a long time. He came home from college to be here for my graduation.

"Leanna. I want you to meet some one." I give him a puzzled look when I realize there is a girl standing behind him. I quickly let go of my brother and stand there awkwardly because I just embarrassed myself for the 2nd time today. Yay me.

"Leanna, this is my girlfriend, Hailey." He says. Hailey blushes lightly and I smile at her and stretch out my hand and she takes it shaking it lightly.

"I'm Leanna but you probably already know that." I laugh and she nods giving me a smile. She seems shy. The opposite of my brother. I look at Josh who is standing next to me awkwardly.

"Oh! And this is my boyfriend Josh." I say quickly.

"Nice to meet you." He says to her. My mom comes in and meets Hailey while Josh, Sophie and I all go upstairs. We decided to let her in on our little secret.

"Sophie. Josh and I are going to tell you a secret okay?" She nods quickly.

"But you can't tell anyone. Okay?" Josh adds. Sophie nods again.

"Sophie.... Josh and I got into the same college." She looked at us with a blank face and I decided to continue talking.

"And we are having a party later-

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