3. Jealousy

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Jack rushed around some unknown kids house, while some mainstream pop song played in the background.
You see earlier Alex and Jack thought it would be a good idea to go to an iconic highschool party.
Let's just say that was a terrible idea and Jack really wanted to go home because, every time he turned a corner girls would hit on him.
"Hey, have you seen Alex?" Jack asked Brendon as he passed by him.
"Last I saw he ran off with Kellin and Vic outside." Brendon replied.
"Thanks" said jack as brendon nodded and, went back to his conversation with some girl named Sarah.

Jack slightly tipsy stumbled towards the back door of the house. Alex drove him here so, he was aloud to get drunk. When he walked out the door a spotted a framiler bunch. Alex, kellin, and Vic. But saw an unfamiliar guy next to them. Specifically next to Alex, arm around his shoulder.
Alex was laughing along to what ever this blue haired dude was saying. A pit of jealousy rose in Jack's stomach. That was his Alex, laughing to another guys jokes.
No thank you bitch.
"Hey guys!" Said Jack as he walked up to them. Trying to play it cool he went and sat next to Kellin who was at the end of the bench. Kellin on one end, then Vic, then Alex, and last blue haired kid.
"Hey Jack, meet Awsten." Introduced Vic.
Awsten waved slightly. Jack nodded and waved back with a fake smile.
As Vic and Kellin jumped back into conversation Jack felt his phone ding.

Jack you okay? You seem ?? Ya know

I'm fine baby what do you mean?

How the hell are you acting so sober?


"Well, it was nice meeting you guys hope to run into at school, bye!" Said Awsten as he got up.
A few bye's, and you too's came from the group as he got up.

"Yeah, me and Jack better get going too. Come on babe." said Alex.

"Are you too dating?" Asked Awsten.

"As a matter of fact we are." Said Jack as he hugged Alex from behind.
Awsten smiled.
"You two are cute! Want to maybe, go on a double date with me and Geoff?" He asked.

Double date with me and Geoff

Alex nodded while Jack smiled. Deep down jack realized he was an idiot though.

When they got in the car Jack sighed heavily.
"What's wrong?" Alex asked.
"I fucking assumed Awsten was an asshole dude who tried to steal you from me." Jack said avoiding eye contact with Alex.
"Hah! I knew it!" Chuckled Alex.
"Yeah, yeah. Can we go back to yours now?" Jack replied. Alex laughed as he started the car.
After a few minutes of Blink-182 and small talk the two boys arrived at Alex's house.
"Jack?" Asked Alex, while flopping on the couch.
"Hmm" jack hummed in reply.
"You know I'd never leave you right?" Alex said, recalling the events earlier.
"Yeah, I just didn't like how close you two were there." Jack said.
"I love you." Alex kissed Jack
Jack laughed in the kiss.
"Love you too" he replied when they pulled apart.

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