1: Will you teach me guitar?

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A/N Hello! So I'm gonna start this off with a narrative I wrote back in November at school, I'm really proud of it and hope you like it!! (Also Alex's twitter name is AlexAllTimeLow in the story cause I wrote a little while ago so yeah lol.)

       It's a chilly October day in 2003, not cold enough for winter jackets but just enough for a sweatshirt. Alex (a chestnut brown haired boy) and Jack (a dark chocolate brown with a blue streak haired boy) were sitting on the carpet floor of Jacks room. They were working on a project for social studies but somehow got distracted by talking about their favorite band Blink-182.

As Green Day's album Dookie played the two boys were silently trying to work but every time they risked a glance at each other they would jump right back into conversation.

"Hey Jack, I have a question." Said Alex picking at the carpet.

"Ask away my friend!" Jack replied. Alex hesitated a few seconds before asking

"Will you teach me guitar?" Alex had always envied Jacks guitar skills.

"Why don't you just go to a teacher?" Asked Jack

"They cost money..." Said Alex trying to come up with an excuse for the real reason.

"Dude I know a guy just up the road and he charges 5 bucks a lesson." Jack said bluntly.

"I-Well it's hard? Like I'm not comfortable with it." Explained Alex still picking at the carpet ripping up tiny frayed pieces. Jack slightly confused, nodded anyway. Alex waited a few seconds again before asking

"So will you teach me?" Jack chuckled.

"I would just suck it up and go" Alex went wide eyed.

Jack didn't know why he said that.

'Maybe I just want to be the only one with talent?' he thought to himself. He realized how narcissistic that thought was and quickly shook his head in a way Alex couldn't see.

Meanwhile, while jack was thinking Alex decided to ignore the younger boy and continue with is work. Jack saw this and thought Alex agreed and the conversation was over so he also went back to the project.

The next day at school Jack went to his locker, he looked around the halls confused.

"Hey Rian! Do you know where Alex is?" He asked his friend only a few lockers away.

"Uh..yeah he said he was going to class instead of breakfast" Said Rian hesitantly. Jack could sense something was off.

Alex would always meet Jack at his locker and they would go to breakfast together.

"You sure?" Asked Jack. Rian sighed, defeated he said

"No, Alex said he was mad. I asked why but all he said was 'Tell Jack no breakfast' and stomped of."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Asked Jack less confident about the day ahead of him.

"Because I don't want to see my two best friends fighting. When you get in social studies just ask him what's wrong, he'll probably be calm by then." Said Rian as he put his bag in his locker. Jack once again confused nodded.

"Werido" He muttered to himself as Rian walked away.

He wondered what could he have possibly done to anger his best friend.

When 4th period social studies rolled around and as Alex sat down in his seat he saw Jack enter the room. Quickly he pulled out his Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book, and pretended to be reading. After about 10 seconds he felt someone staring at him he decided to risk a glance and see who it was. As soon as he locked eyes with Jack he froze. His palms were starting to get sweaty. He looked away to the side and started bouncing his leg.

Jalex Oneshots/ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat