Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

"We don't know the exact date to when she went missing; we've just been following her movements. If this is her, this could have really been the last place she was," said Lisa.

"We should go back, talk to Tanabe and see if we can get any more information," suggested Jisoo.

Chae asked them to play the video once more. Her interests weren't necessarily on the suspected Siyeon but on what followed her entrance in to that room. She asked Jisoo to pause two moments after the woman's entrance and zoom in. She had seen the woman before. Jennie looked closely.

"That's Isha," she stated. Jisoo zoomed in further and despite the bad quality she agreed with Jennie. It was definitely Isha Tanabe. Jisoo was coming to the conclusion that the owners of Hysteria were not being entirely truthful.

"I thought she told you guys that she wasn't involved in that part of the business," Lisa.

"We should go talk to them" said Jisoo.

"Tomorrow," suggested Jennie. Lisa nodded along and saw no harm in confronting the couple. She was sure that, that woman was Siyeon Li and she appeared to have been last seen in these people's club. Something wasn't making sense.

"What time?" asked Chae

Jisoo explained that the restaurant part of the business opens at 9am. She was sure that both Lee and Isha would be available. The man had given no inclination that he would be out of town last night. Jennie suggested that they call and so they did. She ended the call politely while Lisa lowered the air conditioners temperature.

"They are both willing to talk but they are only available at 10:30am. Isha will ask one of her staff to supervise while she's away. They asked us to meet them at their place."

"Brilliant! You and Chu can talk to them while Chae and I snoop around the house. I'm sure we'll find something interesting," Lisa smiled broadly.

Chae wondered what she would do. The potential findings at the Tanabe household could lead her to further progress in the investigation. However, she had already planned with Lee to go to the Boltron together. She felt that it would be a meeting that could lead her to something entirely else. Moreover, Lee had been unsuccessful in discovering the details of Mr Jama's meeting with YG. She had been tipped off anonymously as the individuals in the networks that 2NE1 have been building don't fully know what each other look like.

"I can't come with," she said.

They looked at her curiously and no one replied. Chae felt it would be best to not explain herself unless they ask. Silence made itself present as nobody said a word. The girls looked at Chae expectantly but Jennie realised that the red head felt that what she had said was sufficient.

"Why not Chae?" she asked

"I have another meeting near the same time. Unfortunately, it is something I cannot move," she replied.

"Who are you meeting? What's it about?'' Lisa wondered why her friend was being so coy.

"It's a personal matter, I'm sure you of all people can understand my hesitancy in revealing something I am not ready to talk about," Chae looked away sadly.

Lisa wanted to ask her friend more questions but Jisoo grasped her hand. The older girl shook her head and Lisa knew that she had to give it up. Jennie stared at Chae and wondered if this meeting had anything to do with the way she was looking at her phone earlier.

"Fine, Chae I get it. It's cool, Chu and Jen will still interview the Tanabe's and I'll sneak in to the house and find something. You go do what you need to," Lisa gave her friend an assuring smile.

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