Chapter 10 - The Confession

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[a/n]: hello luvs. Hope u liked chap 9. Oh, this parts 9, 10 and maybe just maybe 11, I'll be focusing on Rosie and Harry's scenes first.  Enjoy. This one is gunna be quite long. i think. 

-Rosie's POV- 

We're here at the park. It's so beautiful here. There are so many different kinds of flowers, there are many butterflies with different colours, there's a really huge fountain and benches and some food vendors. 

Since there are barely people at the park since it's hidden and everyone has work or school, we played and fooled around like little kids. 

We ran around. Played hide and seek. We even got wet in the fountain, but not completely wet because the guard caught us and almost kicked us out. And some vendors sold us some water guns that's why Harry and me were like little kids. We also bought some ice cream and climbed some trees. I just love doing those things at the park. Kinda reminds me of the things that me and Niall did before. All the things me and Harry did were the exact same thing Niall and I did before. :( I really miss him so much. 

We got so tired and sit at one of the benches first. Because of so many activities we have done today, we haven't realized the time. It was 6:30 in the evening. But we didn't go home yet cuz I told Harry that I wanna go star gazing. While waiting, cuz stars were just starting to appear by then, me and Harry ate some fries and crisps at the bench. 

"Look. The stars are starting to appear. Wow. Don't they look beautiful?" 

I just smiled and looked at the sky. 

"Harry look ! A shooting star ! Let's make a wish!" 

The reasons why I love star gazing is that I get to see shooting stars and ask for a wish. 

'I wish that me and Niall could get along again. I really miss him.' 

"So? What was your wish?" Harry asked. 

"Na-ah ! I can't tell you cuz the wish might not come true." I said teasingly . :P 

"You know what my wish is?"

He asked as his face comes closer to mine. So close until I can already feel his warm breath. 


"You." He said but immediately drift his face from mine. 

"You and Niall to make up." He continued. 

Oh. For a second there. I thought... OH SHUT UP ROSIE ! YOU'RE SO ASSUMING!

Sorry, angry conscience taking over. lol. 

"Thanks!" I said as I gave him a wide smile and then we continued to look at the stars. 

"Harry, I think it's getting late, I think we should go." I suggested. 

He just smiled and offered his hand. 

We went to his car and opened the door for me. He's such a sweet gentleman. 

The girl he is going to love will be so lucky! He's every girl's dream. Oh wait, THEY'RE every girls' dream. 

We arrived at the front of my house. 

I was about to open the door when Harry spoke. 

"Rosie !"  

I turned around to him with an innocent smile. 

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