Chapter 5: Living the dream

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-Niall’s POV-

-Weeks gone by-

I was in a very deep sleep. I thought I was never gonna wake up. When I opened my eyes this time, I saw two people in front of me.

“Niall! Thank god you’re awake!” The lady said as she hugged me.

“It’s good that you’re awake son!” The man said and patted my shoulder.

“Son? I’m your son?” I asked.

“Yes, we sent you here to study but you got involved in a car accident.” The lady said.

“So, you two are my parents?” I asked.

They nodded and hugged me. After a few days, we went back to Ireland. Everything was new to me. It’s like I’m just a new born baby!

After 2 weeks, some parts of my memory have come back. I already knew who I was and who my relatives were.

And I remembered that I wanted to audition in the X factor. So, I asked my cousin to go with me to Dublin and audition.

I got through bootcamp and I was so happy!

I went home and announced it to my parents. They both hugged me and they were so happy that I got through bootcamp.

After a couple of days, I went to the arena and I saw a lot of people who got through bootcamp as well.

I was quite nervous cuz there were so many people and they were only picking out 8 acts to put through the judges’ houses.  

Then, Simon announced all those 8 acts that got through the live shows and I wasn’t one of them.. I was so upset and I just wanted to go home.

After 5 minutes later...

Someone called us.. we were just 5 different strangers standing there on stage, when Simon told us that we were through the judges’ houses as a group!

We hugged each other even though we barely know each other.

And that was the start! From the judges’ houses, we carried on with the live shows.. Every week, we get to perform songs, meet fans and we made video diaries.

We continued doing gigs and stuff! And every day, loads of new fans come and go to meet us. And we did an x factor tour which was incredible! I really thought I was just having a dream.

Everything was so perfect! Besides being famous and living my dream, I met four bestfriends, more like brothers though. Being in this band is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


-Rosie’s POV-

Thank goodness it was already winter break! I was scared of getting all those hate letters.

Anyways, I was lying on the couch, doing some channel surfing and then I passed by ITV and they were showing the x factor. I watched it for a little while since there was nothing good to watch. Then the next performer was this band called ‘One Direction’ but I gotta admit it’s a cute name. Then I saw the introduction and I just thought I saw Niall! I was like OMG was that Niall.

I watched their performance and it wasn’t a mistake, Niall was in a band. I’m so happy for him because way before, he dreamed of being famous but isn’t it weird; he didn’t even let me know about this.

Hmm. Is there something going on? Something’s not really right...

I texted him saying: “Hey Niall! You’re such a great best friend! You never even told me that you got in the x factor. Thanks a lot! Anyways, I’m still happy for you! Congrats xx.”

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