Chapter 8: I've been, replaced.

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So yeah, I decided to go to school again. 

I took a quick shower and put on my clothes. I just let my hair be itself. Well, I just combed it. Nothing fancy.

When I went downstairs, I was about to get a sandwich when the school bus arrived.

It arrives so early and if you aren’t there for a minute, it’s gunna leave you. Nice manners.

So, I didn’t have time to eat breakfast and rushed to the bus.

I hopped on and I saw Phoebe and Katherine waving at me at the back seat.

“Hey guys!” I greeted.

“Hey!” They replied.

They looked nervous, like they’ve something to tell me.

I bowed my head and I whispered to them “You saw the tweet too huh?”

They nodded.

“I thought you’re his best friend?” Katherine asked.

“I am.” I replied

“I just don’t know what happened to him.” I added.

“Hmm. Something’s really fishy here.” Phoebe replied.

I just looked out the window and enjoyed the view.

But we’ve picked up the last student. Hmm. There must be a new kid or whatever.

2 girls, hopped on the bus. One was a blonde girl and the other one was a red-haired one.

Finally, we arrived at school and the first thing I did was I headed straight to the canteen. I’m starving.

But when it was my turn to say my order, the bell finally rang. Urghh.

I went to class immediately, and the new girls were our classmates.

Well, at least we have two new girls to introduce, which means, there is no class today.

“Hi! My name is Chloe Alden.” The red-haired girl introduced.

And she told some more blah-blah-blah stuff.

Next one was the blonde girl. Although she was very familiar. But I ignored her introduction since I hadn’t eaten breakfast, I’m not focused.

So, the day finished. And it’s time to go home! Yay!

Megan was supposed to pick me up but I think she’s coming a little late.

So, I just waited there and walked around.

I was walking around waiting for Megan while something caught my eye.

It was that new blonde girl. She was standing there in front of a car being parked.

I feel like she’s hiding something. Why don’t she just get picked up at the front?

I hid in the bushes to see what’s going on.

I can’t believe it! That blonde girl was with NIALL?!

Am I seeing it right? I tried rubbing my eyes and it was true.

Niall “pretends” to forget me and now he’s keeping secrets from me?

I didn’t know what I felt. Either sad or angry, but anyways, I had the courage to barge into their conversation.

“Da heck?! Niall!” I started.

“You again?! Are you stalking me or something?” Niall replied.

“Bestie, of course all fans stalk you.” Michelle added.

I was frozen for a while. BESTIE?! WTF is happening?!

“Bestie?!” I protested.

“Yeah. Is something wrong?” Niall asked.

“What? Best friends can’t have their own nicknames?” Michelle complained.

“Urgh. Just give this fan an autograph so we can go already.” She added.

“So, what will I sign for you?” Niall asked politely.

“Urhmm. I don’t know, maybe you should sign our friendship back!” I said sarcastically. And, I just walked away.

I was really crying so badly while walking. Then someone stopped me, it was Harry. “It’s okay. Don’t cry.” He comforted.

I just continued sobbing. I wasn’t able to notice that I was already hugging Harry. But it was alright, since it was the best time to have a hug.

Harry dragged me to his car and we drove off to his apartment.

“So? What happened a while ago?” He asked.

“Well, first, Niall doesn’t remember me now he has replaced me with a new one.” I replied as tears stream faster down my face.

Harry sat next to me and rubbed my back and begging me to stop crying, but I just can’t.

“So, I’ll just get us some snacks.” He said and went to the kitchen.

I wasn’t able to control it, but I doze off. Since I was really tired and crying made me sleepier even more.

“Hey Rosi-“ He was interrupted as he saw me asleep on the couch.

-Harry’s POV-

Aww. She looked so cute while asleep on the couch.

I dropped our snacks and carried her up to my room.

I sat beside her. I was watching over her. I felt really bad about how Niall is treating her. Is this because I’m just feeling really sorry for her, or is there something else? No Harry, you cannot be in love with her.

I was whispering in my head and even shaking my head.

I just don’t know. I feel happy whenever I’m with her, and she’s always on my mind. She just.. urghh!

I was looking at her the whole time and stroking her hair.

“I think I’m inlove with her.” I whispered.

A couple of minutes later, she finally woke up.

“Oh my! I’m so sorry Harry.” She said.

“No! It’s okay.” I replied.

“Uhm. Rosie, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” She asked.

“It’s that, I think.. I think..” I muttered.

“Go on!” She replied.



















Hello luvs! Sorry about it being too short and taking it too long to update. It's that, school got in the way and wattpad got broken last week. 

So, I hope you like this chapter even though it's a cliff hanger. :)) 

Please do Vote, comment & fan.. :)) 

Luff youu. xx

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