Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Julia's POV:

It's January in California. It's 50 degrees and I'm wearing a furry sweater. I have already taken 50 pictures in order to give me inspiration to write my final paper. It's due in a month and I have nothing. Not a single sentence on it. Not even a single word. No title either.

It's about 6:00 pm. I have a workout at 7:00pm. I race toward my 2016 Chevy car that I had just finished paying off. I get there just in time before the parking meter is up.
I get to the gym and already I smell sweaty, horny guys who would do just about anything to make me uncomfortable. I grab a mat and begin doing some an exercises while I wait for my trainer to show up.

Justin's POV:

I walk into the gym with an iced coffee in my hand. I smile to the receptionist. She nods and does the gotcha sign.
I walk into the locker room, change and finish my iced coffee. I go get mat and immediately notice this girl with gorgeous hair, doing abs exercises.

"Hi, I'm Justin." I attempt to introduce myself. Way to go. Introducing yourself in a gym is so smooth.
"Julia." She surprisingly responds. Then, another woman shows up and takes her away from my sight.
I blast music from my phone and start my own workout.


Justin's POV:

I finish my workout, shower, change again and walk out of the locker room. I see Julia once again. I admire her from afar and walk out from the gym.

I walk out to my car, which is a red Tesla. I spend a good fifteen minutes trying to find a good song.
I walk into my apartment. There is a basket of dirty laundry on my couch that I keep forgetting to bring down to the laundry mat in the apartment complex on the left. The bowl of fruit is almost out of apples. The table is so dusty that it looks like an Egyptian tomb.

"I seriously need to clean up." I mutter to myself.
"I also need to find Julia." I state, putting my gym bag on the couch.

A/N: This is the first chapter of Short and Sweet! Comment what you think of the first chapter. Good or bad, give me feedback! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it. ❤️

Short and SweetDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora