~ Chapter 13 ~

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- I finally find you!

Branch could not believe his eyes! There was another dragon! He now understood where this smell of milk came from his fur; it was a baby!

- Who are you? Asked the gray troll

The little green and blue dragon smile and began to purr. His thick tail seemed to be very heavy, but it did not stop him from jumping on him to lick his face affectionately.

- You can understand me! It's really you!!!

Branch grabbed him by one of his small antennas and uttered a threatening growl for the little dragon to calm down.

- I asked you a question! He roars, where are you from and why are you so close to my fa... Trolls village?

So close to my family... he thought. I was going to say "my family"

The little beast looked down. Branch felt bad for a moment in front of this frightened child's face, but he had to get some answers.

- I ... I prefer not to say who I really am as a troll.

The gray troll did not believe his ears, he dropped him on the ground:

- You ... You too? You are a trollagon !?

The young troll transform into his alter-ego dragon licked his chest to replace his fur in disorder and smiled at him:

- Of course! And I'm not alone anymore! I knew that the "NightFury" was a trollagon like me!

Not alone anymore  ... So there was two trollagon in the village ... And one of them was a baby!

- How did you know I was the NightFury? He asked

- It was easy, it's a ferret who told me! But I never thought it would be you!

Oxy, he thought, remembering that he had revealed his secret to him. Only one question continued to burn his lips:

- Who are you in reality? You know who I am, so I want to know who you are!

The little trollagon groaned.

- Sorry, but I prefer not to reveal my name.

He crossed his arms, this little kid was already annoying him.

- If you want, you can give me a name as the princess does with you, he suggested leaving a laugh escaping from his mouth.

Branch shot him a murderous look. Did he spy on him? He named it without hesitation:

- Kitten.

- What? I am not a kitten! Why? He asked, getting up on his four legs, obviously finding that name completely stupid.

- Because you look like a kitten, Branch pointed out.

- Urgh, fine... Kitten growled.

* * *

- But... Dad!

Pepy did not even turn to his daughter. The King continued to fix the trolls in front of him, a face filled with almost frightening determination. He murmured a sentence for himself:

- Kill the dragon, protect the village...

He wants to destroy their nest? Their house? But where will they go if we destroy their home?

The news had more than surprise her: Hairless was not the last dragon! So maybe others had survived and there was still more than imagined ...

~ DRAGON HEART ~ Broppy (Trolls, Httyd fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now