Claming freedom

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El's Pov

I slowly raised my hands above my head as she unlocked the safety on her pistol. 

"You don't want to do this Veronica" I tried but she just smiled and chuckled.

"Oh El, you have no idea how much I want to do this" She added.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why? Really? You have no idea why?!" She asked in a weird tone.

"If all of this is about Archie.." She cut my sentence.

"Shut up! You have no right to speak his name!" She screamed at me as fast as I had said his name.

I lowered my hand and felt my phone in my pocket, I prayed that it was still recording.

"Get that hand back up!" She screamed again.

"Veronica over here!" Toni's voice behind her made her lose focus for the perfect amount of time and I managed to run up and knock the gun out of her hands.

"Hey!" She screamed right before I knocked her to the ground with my fist.

Toni came running from behind the table Veronica had been sitting by and Cheryl soon came down with Reggie in a tight grip in one hand and her bow in the other.

"That was much easier than I thought" Cheryl said proudly and tightened her grip around Reggie while smiling.

"Come on Toni, let's tie her up" I said as we started to drag Veronica's body towards one of the tables.

Sweet Pea's Pov:

I gasped as my eyes flew open. I sat up in the bed I was in and breathed fast and hard. I held my hand over my heart and I felt it beating fast I kept my hand there before I felt it slow down to a normal pace.

I looked around the room as I realized where I was, the hospital. I did not know why though. I looked to my right and saw all the different cables that were connected to my body. I pulled them off one by one and it almost made me gag when I had to pull a couple of needles out of my leg.

When I was completely free I stood up but fell back on the bedside because of the extreme disingenuous. I did not know for how long I had been here and I did not know why I was here.

"El" I said shortly as the picture of the face of the most beautiful girl in the world came up in my head.

"I need to find her, she needs to know that I'm
ok" I said to myself.

I stood up quickly and I managed to walk over to a chair where my clothes had been placed. I put my pants on but when I picked my t shirt up I saw it had blood over it and so did my jacket. That's when it came back to me and another name was added in my head next to El's, Veronica.

El's Pov:

After we had tied Veronica and Reggie to a table each I poured maple syrup on Veronica's head and her mouth opened as she gasped.

"What the fuck are you doing!" She screamed as she tried to wiggle herself from the tight rope around her body.

"Tell me what you did to Sweet Pea and I might let you go" I said in a quiet voice as I leaned in toward her sticky face.

"What do I get if I do that?" She asked in a smart tone.

I chuckled as I pulled out the gun she had used to threatened me.

"Your life" I said as I held the gun towards her head.

"Fine, I was pissed, no, I am pissed, cause of what you did to Archie. He loved you and you turned him down so hard that he turned to death. I loved him and I thought that if you could take the person I loved the most away from me then I should be able to do the same too you, so I decided to have Sweet Pea killed"

The rage I felt inside me was growing, I did not know if Sweet Pea was ever gonna wake up and if he didn't I think I'd kill Veronica in his name.

"How'd you do it?" Toni asked behind me.

"Do what?" Veronica asked.

"Have him killed" I replied before Toni could.

Veronica laughed and looked down into her knee. I slapped her face and felt the syrup stick in between my fingers. 

"Tell me" I said slowly and stared into her eyes. I think I could see a small glance of fright, it made me even more eager to kill her.

"I had one of my dad's workers ram him off the road when he was on his bike on his way to you" She said.

I felt the tears burn in my eyes but I pushed them back, I couldn't show weakness now.

"Well" I said quietly.

Veronica looked up at me and as our eyes met I uttered one last sentence before leaving the building.

"Karma's a bitch"

Only 2 more chapters before I plan to end this book! I hope you'll enjoy the ending and I also hope you've enjoyed the book. Keep commenting and voting! Love y'all!

The Serpent Queen || Riverdale | FINISHED | Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora