The truth

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Sweet Pea's Pov:

After dinner I per usual went back to my room, I laid a few pilows under the blanket and snuck out hiding behind a shelf which was placed behind my cell. When the "lockup lady" as I called her came and locked my door I held my breath. She walked away and I sighed out. I waited for a few minutes before I started walking towards the cafeteria, the tunnel entrence had to be there somewhere. I walked for a while and before I found the room I was stopped by nuns.

"Where are you going young man?" One of them asked.

"Bed" I said.

"O no, you're coming with us" They said and grabbed my arm leading me away to the movie room. Shit I thought to myself as I realized I wasn't getting out tonight either. At least the movie would let me think undisturbed about El.

Toni's Pov:

I looked at Archie being led out the door of his own house by Tall boy and the serpents. I suddenly remebered the phone and looked down at the floor. I soon saw the phone on the ground next to the gun. I slowly picked it up and I saw it was already open. I went into the "recording app" And played the latest recording.

"Jug, Fangs come over here" I said still looking at the phone.

They rushed over and looked at the phone in my bloody hand.

"Is it the recording?" Jughead asked as he looked at me.

"I don't know" I said and kept my eyes locked on the phone's open screen.

"Play it" Fangs said and I hesitantly pressed the button.

The recording started playing and we all listened tensely.

It was mostly white noice until El's voice could be heard.

"Im gonna getcha Arch" she giggled. The white noice came back and I figured she'd put her phone back into her pocket. A knock on a door was heard and soon El and Archie were talking about this and that. They started walking and when I realized they were in the forest I clenched my other fist. Suddenly they stopped walking and El said.

"I need you to tell me the truth about last Friday"

Archie responded with.

"There isn't anything to tell Elise"

I felt my body get more and more nervous the closer they both got to where El was gonna get shot, I knew Jug and Fangs were to.

They kept talking until El pulled something out of her pocket, well I think she did cause she reached her hand down the pocket and quickly pulled it out again.

"Really?" El said as Archie laughed.

What was she doing? Was she threatening him? If she was, well we weren't supposed to be violent getting the confessions.

"Oh Elise Grace Jones, how stupid can you be?" Archie suddenly said doing something that caused El to drop whatever she had in her hand.

"What is happening?" Fangs asked and both me and Jug shh him.

"Archie" El said and I knew she was scared, I could hear it in her voice.  It made my heart beat even faster than before.

They kept talking some more but I couldn't hear what they said, I was to focused about not panicking. I was so scared because I knew I was gonna hear the moment my best friend got shot.

"Are you recording us?" Archie suddenly said snapping me out of the trans I was in.

I realized her phone wasn't in her pocket anymore, both their voices were a lot clearer now, she must have dropped it.

"Archie" El said now even more scared than before. It broke my heart, how could he do this to her?

The last thing I heard before the shot echoed threw the speakers was Archie's voice saying.

"I'm so sorry El"

The shot was fired and a loud thud was heard. We all knew what the thud was, it was El's body falling to the ground.  All of us were crying at this point but I knew I had to save Sweet Pea.

"Guys I gotta go" I said as I ran out the door and out to my bike. I noticed El's bike, she must have parked it here when she walked in to talk with Archie yesterday. I drove to the hospital with the thought of how close we were to saving Sweet Pea in my mind. I knew it wasn't smart dragging El out the hospital but if she was awake she needed to come with me , I also knew that she wouldn't forgive me if I saved Sweet Pea without her.

I found her and her dad in the same room she'd been in before. I can't discribe the happiness and luck I felt as I saw El sitting up in her bed looking fresh and well.

"Toni!" She exclaimed as I walked in.

"El you're ok!" I exclaimed back as I ran up hugging her tight.

El's Pov:

When Toni rushed in with a look of happiness I was finally brought to ease.

She hugged me tight and the pain in my chest came back.

"Ouch" I said.

"Shit sorry, I forgot" She said and smiled.

"It's ok, tell me why you're here" I asked. I knew she had news. Preferably about Sweet Pea.

"I have his confession on tape and he's arrested!" She said.

I knew she was talking about my shooter. I didn't wanna know who he was, not yet.

"Great, just don't tell me who he is" I said and smiled.

"What? You don't remember?" She asked confused"

"I don't and I don't wanna know, not yet" I said.

"Well it means that we could save Sweet Pea, now" She said.

The feeling in my body was the strongest I'd ever felt before. I was extremely excited and I knew we had to go now. I stood up and looked at my dad who looked at me with a nervous face.

"Dad I have to" I said and he nodded in response.

I put on the clothes my dad had brought for when I woke up. I put them on and grabbed Toni's hand.

"Let's go" I said as we ran out to Toni's bike driving away to the sisters of quiet mercy. We were finally gonna save Sweet Pea. I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a while. I was happy.

What did you think about this chapter? Please comment and vote! and new chapter coming tmrw or the day after, love you all!

The Serpent Queen || Riverdale | FINISHED | Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora