Christian Lyer is a liar

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Sweet Pea's Pov:

Hearing her telling me what he had said and done to her made me mad. He's lucky I didn't know about this when we met earlier since I would have knocked his pretty white teeth out of his ugly ass mouth. I hugged El as thight as I could even though I knew it probably didn't help at all. He had brought up such terrible memories for her and she was hurting really bad. I couldn't do else than to be there for her and to not push her about telling me everything. She needed things to come out in her own pace, which was hard for me cause I wanted to know exactly what that scumbag had done to my beautiful girl.

Archie's Pov:

"Guys please let's talk about this, man to... a lot of men, a-and women!" I said as I looked into the crowd of serpents. I was tied up by a pillar just like Toni had been in my house a couple of days ago.

"Where was the talk when Jughead came to your house the other day huh?" Tall boy said.

I had been locked in the whyte wyrm for 2 days now and all I wanted was to be taken to the police, I knew they had proof of me shooting El and all the other things I had done to her and her stupid snake friends. That bitch Cheryl had thought this was a good time to become a lesbian which caused her to leave my side and jump onto that southside serpent slut Toni's side. I hoped to god the police had the footage so that they could look for me and find me soon.

"Where is the confessions?" I asked

"In police custody" Another guy replied.

"Great then they are probably looking for me!" I replied proud of my statement.

"Oh the police are looking for you but they won't find you, alive" Tall boy said and took out a knife and held it under my throat, I swallowed hard as I felt the sweat run down my forehead quicker than ever.

"Oh look at him, he's scared. Well you should be you fucking idiot" Tall boy said and laughed causing the other serpents to do the same. I was scared but I didn't want to show it apparently it did anyways.

"Well since your trial is in a week I should proabably release you but I don't know if I want to" Tall boy added and smiled.

"Please, I beg you! I'll do anything!" I screamed as I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Please this and please that, I don't need shit from you and if I was you I would shut my mouth and pray" Tall boy replied soon followed by a kick in my stomach. For some reason the only thing I could think about was holding El.

El's Pov:

"I'll tell you the rest if you want to?" I said and released myself from Sweet Pea's grip around my back.

"If you want to tell me then please do, I'm all ears" He replied and smiled.

"A few weeks into school after mom and my sister left and Christian said those things to me at the party I was walking home from another day of being completely ignored by all of my ex friends in school. It was mid September last year and Chrstian came up to me..."

September 18th 2017.

I was walking home from another day of not being talked to at all, I don't think I said anything to anyone exept for my teacher Miss Grundy. She's really nice to me and Archie I think she likes us a lot. Another thing was that Archie my kind of only friend at the moment hung out with Christian's friends today.  I miss Chris even though he's an asshole, I love him still which I hate myself for. I should hate him not myself but maybe he was right, maybe I was unloveble.

"Ellie wait up!" I heard a voice behind me say followed up by a hand touching my shoulder.

I turned around and met Christian's apple green hazel eyes.

"Hey baby, how's it going" He said and grabbed my waist pulling me close to his chest. He smelled like cigarette smoke and expensive perfume.

"Chris, don't" I said and pushed him off while turning around to keep walking home.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you at the party" He said behind me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked and stopped, I turned around and faced him.

"I'm an idiot I know but I love you" He said and kissed my lips.

I couldn't help but smile, his lips agains mine felt right, more perfect than anything else in this world. I knew this was supposed to be. Yes, he had made some mistakes but he said he loved me so it had to be true. Right? There was only one person in this world who could ever love me , it had to be him. Who else would ever do it?

April 28th, now time.

"I guess he didn't love you for long" Sweet Pea said and looked at me.

"He didn't love me for one second of the time we knew eachother" I replied and chuckled.

"I was stupid enough to believe his lies, everything after that day was the same unreal perfectness that had been before summer, we didn't hang out with his friends anymore though. It was only him and I. Until October when everything changed" I said and looked at Sweet Pea who now looked even more curious than before.

"You know one thing I think is pretty funny?"  I asked.

"What?" Sweet Pea asked.

"The fact that Christian's last name, which is Lyer  is pronounced liar which is exactly what he is. He's a fucking liar" I said and smiled at my own true words.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the lil Archie Pov I threw in. I thought it was a good idea to have Archie pov's so a special thank you to @jayjay71005 it was a really great idea!

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