Tree Bros- Old Memories, New Friends

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"Jared! Just, please? Go get my, my mom?" Young Evan sits on a branch high up in a tree with tears streaming down his face.

Jared laughs, "Buddy, you got yourself up there, you can get yourself down."


"Oh! My mom just texted me telling me to come home," Jared walks away laughing.

Evan sobs. He had gotten way too cocky and climbed higher than he should have. Now he was having a mental breakdown and his only friend left him hanging. Just before all hope seems lost, Evan heard a voice from below.

"Hey! Are you stuck?!"

Evan carefully wipes his eyes and looks down. A small boy in a black sweater with brown hair looks up at him.

Evan calls down, "Yeah! Can, can you get my mom?"

"I'll get my mom! She can help! Just hold on one minute, okay?" The boy runs off and out of sight.

Evan sniffs and watches for the boy to come back.

And just like he promised, the boy returned with a red headed lady.

"Hey, sweetie! Are you okay?" the lady asks.

"I'm stuck, a-and I can't get down! Can you find my mom?" Evan yells to her.

"I'm going to call the fire department and get you down, okay?" The lady takes out her phone.


While his mother speaks on the phone, the brown-haired boy runs off only to come back moments later with Evans mom.

"Evan! Oh my goodness! Baby, are you okay?" Heidi yells up to her son.

The woman talks to Evan's mom.

"Okay, Evan, hang in there; help is on its way."

It isn't too long before the fire department shows up and quickly gets Evan out of the tree.

Evan wakes up to the sun shining through the window and, annoyingly, in his face. He rolls over and looks at his alarm clock. He squints with disgust at the 7:34 am that is displayed on the screen. He flips and flops around in his bed for ten more minutes before giving up and flipping the covers off. He squeezes his feet into some slippers and stomps downstairs. He's greeted with a cheerful smile from his mother in the kitchen.

"Someone's happy this morning," Heidi says enthusiastically.

"I didn't sleep well, and it was a long week," Evan mumbles. He plops himself in a chair at the table and grabs an orange from the fruit bowl.

Heidi ruffles her son's pillow hair, "aww, my poor little guy," she kisses his head.

"Mom!" Evan groans.

His mother only giggles in response.

"I think I'm gonna go to the park today."

"Honey! That's great! You've been needing to get out of the house on weekends."

"I know, you keep telling me that."

"That's because it's true."

Evan rolls his eyes.

"Don't forget to take your meds before you leave," Heidi walks upstairs, "I'm gonna have some me time."

"Hey, why do you get to stay home?"

"Because I'm an adult!"

Evan scoffs and picks himself up from the table and lazily stumbles up the stairs to get changed.

He fashions himself in his trademark polo shirt, khakis, and an old blue sweater that was probably a tad too tight, but wore it anyway. He tamed his hair and washed some of the tired off his face. Before he leaves he gives his mom a wave goodbye.

"Have fun sweety!" she cheers in her bathrobe with a semi mouthful full of snacks.

As he walks along the path of his favorite childhood park, he savors the sweet, tasty air. Peace fills his body and allows himself to close his eyes for a few seconds. Within those few seconds, he bumps into someone. He curses himself for his clumsiness and catches a glance at the person he bumped into. A slim face framed with chocolate brown hair catches his eye first.

"I-I'm so sorry!" he practically yells, "I-I was a little c-caught up in myself a-and, and, and. I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I was too. To be honest..." the boy trails off

He picks himself up and dusts off his pants. He reaches out a hand to the boy he ran into. He takes Evans arm by his wrist and heaves himself up.

On one hand, Evan's glad he didn't take his hand because it was most likely sweaty and gross. On the other hand, it hurt considering he had a cast on his arm that was only removed a week ago and it was still trying to heal.

He rubs his wrist a little and tries to pass it off as a nervous habit, but, as his luck usually goes, it didn't work.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" The boy asks.

"A-a little. B-But it's fine! I had my cast taken off just last week so... it's still healing. Kind of."

"Oh really?"

He nods in response, just wanting to move on from this mess.

"If I may ask, how did you break it?"

"Oh... uh..."

"It's okay if your uncomfortable telling."

He was going to take his offer. Evan had fallen out a tree about a month ago, but not because he was fooling around and just happen to fall out of a tree. But because...

"I was climbing a tree about a month ago. I guess I miss judged that a certain branch could hold my weight and it gave way. In short, I fell out a tree and broke my arm."

He laughs, "You know, that reminds me of this time when I was young. Some kid got stuck in a tree at this very park. It looked like a friend of his had left him. I went to see if he was okay. It was clear he was freaking out. I went to get my mother and she called the fire department. I went around and looked for his mom. I eventually found her. It was a fun time."

Evan stares blankly at him. Could it really be the boy from so long ago?

"Hey, you okay? You look a little shaken."

Evan smiles, "I was the kid stuck the tree."

"No way! Really?" the boy stares in disbelief.

"You basically described the same day," Evan giggles. "My friend ditched me up in a tree after I got too cocky and climbed too high. You found me got your mother, got my mother and in no time at all, got down from the tree."

Both boys share a smile.

"Hey, can I give you my number?"


Both boys exchange numbers.

"I'm Connor, by the way," Connor holds out his hand for Evan to shake it.

"I'm Evan," he reluctantly shakes his hand. Turns out, it wasn't sweaty and gross.

"I'll text you later," Connor says starting to walk away.

"Not if I text you first!" Evan smiles at him.

Connor smiles back and continues his jog.

Evan keeps walking along until he comes up to the tallest tree in the park. He smiles and climbs up to the lowest branch and watches people pass by.

"E-excuse me, mister?" Evan looks up into the tree to see a small girl sitting on a branch, "Can... can you help me down? I-I'm stuck."

Just like how I was as a kid. Evan giggles, "Sure." 

A/N: Sorry, it's been a while guys. Adjusting to high school isn't easy. I hope I can start posting regularly again! 

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