Boyf Riends- I Need Mountain Dew Red!

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Michael stared at Brady, not believing what just came out of his mouth.

“You gotta be kidding me, dude.”

“Michael, you know there's a limited supply of it. We raised price because we're running out. You knew this had to happen eventually.”

“I… I gotta go.” Michael stormed out of the back room and went straight home.

“Jeremy, help me!” Michael fell to his knees once he stepped foot inside.

“What?! What's wrong?” Jeremy rushed up to him.

“I need Mountain Dew Red!”

“Didn't you just go to buy some?”

“They upped the price! I need your money!”

“I don't have any money.”

“But Jeremy!”

“Sorry, maybe you should get a job. You are sixteen, after all.” Jeremy sits back on the couch.

“I do!” Michael plops himself on the couch next to his boyfriend, “That's we get to go on dates!”

“Work harder then.”

Michael scoffed and pouted, “You were able to buy a crappy floppy disk that you had eat to use for four hundred bucks. You have to have some money.”

Jeremy looked at Michael with his I'm-fed-up-with-your-crap face. “That's exactly why I don't have money, Michael.”

Michael stomped into his basement. “Whatever!”

Jeremy sighed and decided to give Michael some space to cool down.

A little later, Jeremy found Michael moping in a bean bag in his basement. Jeremy sat in the bean bag next to him, “Are you done?”

“No.” Michael buried his face into the bean bag.

Jeremy rubbed Michael’s back, “You have to get over this eventually.”

“I know,” Michael's voice came muffled from the bean bag.

“Wanna play AOTD?”

“No, I don't.”

Jeremy sighed.

The two sat in silence before Jeremy got up and left.

Jeremy's loud footsteps startled Michael. In responce he took his face out of the bean bag. Jeremy sat beside Michael on the floor. Michael looked at him then turned away.

“You can stop moping around now,” Jeremy put his head on Michael’s back.

“I can't.”

“Maybe this will change your mind.”

Michael turned to Jeremy and his face lit up when he saw the bottled strawberry liquid. He took the bottle and opened it. He listened to the snap and fizzy sound and took a huge swig. As the liquid rolled on his tongue and down his throat Michael's mood changed.

He removed his lips from the bottle, “Thank you! How did you get it? You said you didn't have any money.”

“I kinda sort stole the money from my dad,” Jeremy rubed the back of his neck.

“Dude, if and when he finds out, you're in some deep shit.”

“I know, but it's all worth it to see my Micha smile,” A light shade of pink had made its way across Jeremy's cheeks.

“I love you too, Jerry.”

Jeremy smiled making him look even cuter with the pink on his cheeks.

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