Demon Slayer (no not the anime I-)

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"I'd like to see you try. Brother." I told him.

He then smirked evilly and soon, Hikaru charged at me.

I scoffed as I dodged his fist.

"Really? You aren't gonna fight me yourself but use your family as a pawn...well your son." I said while dodging Hikaru's many punches and kicks.

"Poison Claw Attack!" Hikaru shouted.

A giant claw of many shapes, started lunging towards me.

I growled and kicked them away then I began to use my magic.

"Phantom Lullaby!" I chanted.

The air was foggy and a loud screech was heard.

When the fog cleared I saw Hikaru struggling to stand.

I left him to Lucy, despite her constant complaining but Gray had jumped in and helped her.

I then ran over toward Moromi, only to be pushed back by an explosion.

Maranda then landed in front of me, a hand on her waist.

I looked back and saw that Moromi had made some kind of clones and made them attack Natsu and Erza, to which they were fighting them off.

I scowled at her as she walked towards me, a seductive smile on her face.

"Oh come now Y/n, don't tell me you didn't miss the way I bounced on your-."

"Shut. The fuck. Up. I don't know if you have cum stuck in your ears, but I fucking despise you and your fucktard of a husband." I sighed.

Maranda only huffed as she licked her lips.

"You miss the feels of my walls don't you?" She asked.

"I could inhale an entire bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter question than that." I replied.

She set off an explosion near me, to which I quickly made an air shield and blocked it.

"Just take me right now if you missed me that much. Unless you want me to come over there like old times." Maranda spoke as she got down on her hands and knees.

I cringed at the way she looked at me, and in all honesty I was about to kill her.

"If I wanted a bitch I would've gotten a dog." I spoke.

I then felt some heat come from my sides and an explosion erupted from my body, my body flung into the air and an indescribable pain had ran through my body.

I then quickly got over it and before my body slammed to the floor, I regained movement and landed on my feet.

I then lunged at Maranda and finished her off with a chop to her neck, and a kick to her side.

She flew into a nearby tree, her back cracking as the impact was hard.

I cracked my knuckles as I looked at Maranda, she spat out some blood and her body gave out on her.

"Maybe if you ate some of that makeup, you'd be pretty on the inside..." I muttered as I began to find where Moromi was.

I teleported myself in front of Moromi, sending him a surprise punch.

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