Chapter Nine: Hanging Around at the Theatre

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Archie made a grab for Marigold

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Archie made a grab for Marigold.

'No!' she screamed, pushing herself and Bob back and away from the box. They dangled out of his reach. Archie picked up a crutch to help him stand. She saw he'd also broken his leg when he'd been knocked over by Bert running over his bedroom door.

He waved the crutch at Marigold. 'Get yourself in here!' he barked.

'I'm not coming back!' she shouted at his red upside down face.

Furious, Archie dropped the crutch and leaned out of the box.

She wriggled to escape his grabbing hands. One of them managed to touch her side.

He's going to get me. Come on, Bert! Pull us away!

Despite having a snout full of jewellery, Bob was squealing beneath her. Looking down, she saw a crowd of people trying to reach up and drag him out of her hands. She jerked him up and down by the feet to keep him from their grasp. Behind the crowd, she spotted two fit, determined looking women entering the auditorium. Between them they were carrying a step-ladder.

Archie made another lunge for her. Marigold felt his fingers grip her wrist. If she tried to pull him off, she'd drop Bob into the angry crowd.

There was a clatter of metal. She saw the people were making way for the women as they positioned their ladder beneath her and Bob. Her father tightened his hold on her wrist.

Marigold closed her eyes. It was all over. She was going back to the Flaunts.

Then she felt the tug from above. It became the best sensation in the world as Bert's strong arms swung her and Bob away. The force was too much for Archie. He had to release her to stop himself from falling out of the box. Marigold was delighted to put distance between them once more.

Bert brought them to the back of the stage. Bob flipped himself the right way around. He clambered up Marigold and Bert's bodies and stepped onto the bridge. Bert swung Marigold so her hands could grab the rail that ran along it. She pulled herself up and sprang to her feet.

'Did you see him?' she asked anxiously. 'He musn't find me! Let's go!'

Bert nodded in agreement. 'Out of here!' he exclaimed. He bent down to pick up Marigold in his arms. Bob prised out the jewellery from inside his snout. He couldn't resist giving the diamonds a quick lick before stuffing everything in his trouser pockets.

On the auditorium floor, people were shouting and pointing up at them.

'Come on, Bob!' urged Marigold.

Bob dragged himself up her leg and sat on her lap.

Before Bert sped out through the wings and everything blurred, Marigold threw a glance in Archie's direction. The last thing she saw was her mother join him in the box.

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