Monday September 17, 2012 - 5:52 AM

87 10 1

I just got back from Sarah’s place. I snuck into the back yard, crept down by her window, just to, you know, peek in. There were plenty of times when we were dating that I would show up at the window and she’d stand on a chair, open up the window and the screen. We’d talk like that, her standing on the chair and me lying in the grass, sometimes holding hands through the window, through half of the night.

It kind of felt like Romeo & Juliet, doing that, although we'd never had the same issues with her parents hating Uncle Bob and Aunt Shelley. Fuck, what is it with this Shakespeare guy and the things in my life? Was he that fucking good at writing, or was he some kind of psychic?

We’d tried kissing like that once, but, even when she was standing on tiptoe, she couldn’t quite reach.

So anyway, I snuck around the back of the house, to her basement window.

There was no light on that I could see immediately.

But there was a soft light coming in from the basement hallway, light coming from the bathroom — it didn’t mean that someone was there, because I remember that they always left a light on in their bathrooms; both the one in the basement as well as the one upstairs. But I couldn’t be sure. Sarah could have been in there, getting ready for bed.

So I laid there and waited.

And fell asleep.

Not sure how long I slept — must have been at least an hour. Maybe two.

I woke up, the cold dew seeped into my clothes, my neck sore and stiff.

But her bedroom was still dark.

Still no sign of Sarah.

I gathered myself up and dragged my sorry ass home.


Rainy said...

That's almost touching. You want to take it easy hanging around windows uninvited these days though. People think less about Romeo and Juliet these days as they think about the likes of Paul Bernardo and other assorted freaky types when they see people hanging around at night like that!

Peter O'Mallick said...

What, are you calling me Paul Bernardo? I'm not any kind of freaky sex pervert.

Rainy said...

All I'm saying is that you want to be careful hanging around windows at night. People aren't near as naïve as they used to be. I'd hate to see you getting picked up for something you never intended to do. I can understand what it's like to feel like you're being brushed off, but you've been through enough lately, yes?

Peter O'Mallick said...

Well, it sounded to me like you were comparing me to a fucking serial killer, which I don't appreciate.

Sarah and I are destined to be together, whether she realizes it or not. I'm not some sick fuck perv, and don't think that I look like one.

Rainy said...

First off, sorry if I offended you. Second, how the hell would I know what you looked like? Besides, appearances can be deceiving. Most people said that freak looked like a nice guy.

I'm just trying to get you to see that others are not as open to things as others. Nosy neighbors who saw a guy hanging around a house after dark might call the cops. Cops have a funny way of not seeing things in a nice way. I hope you two can work it out and I'd hate to see any chance you have busted up because your uncle or her parents gets ticked off with you being picked up because of a misunderstanding. Good luck man... Sometimes love ain't easy.

Kim said...

Oh, Peter...

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