Chapter Sixty-Five - Chiefs

Start from the beginning

Kay and Theirn held onto every word I said. They each interjected into my story with certain questions and clarifications, but for the most part, they listened. The longer I spoke, the more Kay narrowed her eyes. Theirn forgot his previous smile and looked at me with a lifeless expression. I could tell nothing about what either of them was thinking or if I was digging Samuel and me a deeper hole.

When I finished my life's story since meeting Samuel, Theirn moved to the window and stared outside. Kay remained in her spot in the middle of the room. Despite their distance, they bounced questions off each other and directed them at me faster than I could think.

"What happened to the girl you left with?" Theirn asked.

"I don't know. I thought she was killed, like I said."

Kay didn't hesitate with her question. "How did you survive?"

"I don't know. After the fight, I blacked out. When I woke up I was in the hospital with Samuel."

"It seems awful lucky that you got away," Theirn said, almost to himself.

Kay nodded and glanced at him. "Human's don't survive that."

I glanced back and forth between them, exasperated with their constant questions, tired of being awake and in their presence, and wishing for nothing but Samuel to be by my side, again. Anger and annoyance pricked my heart and I responded before I could stop myself. "I lost a leg and I was bitten by a werewolf. I wouldn't call that lucky."

The duo was silent as I bit my tongue and cursed my outburst. Apparently, I'd still learned nothing in that department.

Just at the moment when I thought Theirn and Kay were going to erupt, Theirn laughed and Kay rolled her eyes. Theirn turned from the window and walked over to the foot of my bed.

"That was long overdue," he smiled. "You do well under stress."

"I think we have adequate information," Kay announced. Theirn nodded to me then made his way to Kay. The two headed for the door without glancing back.

Sudden anxiety clenched my heart and just as they were about to open the door, I asked, "What's going to happen?"

Theirn turned and smiled, and it seemed genuine. "We need to discuss things, first. We will alert Samuel when we have reached a decision."

"Thank you for your time." Kay nodded toward me, then grabbed Theirn by the arm. Before I could say another word, they both turned and left. They were gone faster than they arrived and I was left more worried than before. Not a moment later though, Samuel was rushing back into the room. He smiled when he saw me, then shut the door and sat at the foot of my bed.

I raised my hands helplessly. "I tried. I told them the truth about everything that happened. I don't know, Samuel. They asked a lot of questions and I couldn't tell what they were thinking and-"

"Hush," he said. "You did great. I heard the whole thing."

"I don't know." I shook my head and groaned.

Samuel rubbed his hand up and down my leg and looked around the room. "The worst they can do is send me away and appoint someone else."

"Actually, the worst they could do is kill all of us."

He laughed once. "Somehow, I don't think that is going to happen."

"But what if they do send you away?"

"Then I-" Samuel stood and walked to the head of my bed before cupping my cheeks and glancing between both of my eyes. "-will be so heartbroken that I will definitely need an extraordinary amount of kissing and ego boosts to ever be okay again."

He was fighting back a smile. My expression fell and I stared at him without a hint of amusement. Underneath it all though, I might have cracked a grin.

"I'm serious, Samuel," I deadpanned.

Samuel laughed and retreated back to his chair beside me. "So am I. But, on top of that, I might also consider leaving and taking a few people with me, if they'd want to come, of course. I do still have a family I would like to one day see again." His voice softened at the end of his sentence and all tones of amusement were washed away.

"If you want company, I know a few people who might come along."

Samuel smiled wider than I'd seen him smile in a long time. I reached for his hands, and the expression only grew.

"Whatever happens," I began, "we'll be alright. We've made it this far. Who knows? You could still be Alpha. Maybe this world isn't so bad, after all."

Samuel groaned. It was barely there, but I heard the noise and everything that went along with it. I gave Samuel a questioning look, but he shrugged and glanced away.

"Let's just see what they have to say," he said. "Whatever happens, we'll figure it out."


A little short, but double update! Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

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