Chapter Eighteen - Fire

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GUYS! I request the highest of fives for the biggest of news!

#1 - WE PASSED 20,000 READS!

#2- WE RANKED 85 IN WEREWOLF TODAY! (10/17/2017)

That's just freaking amazing! And it's all thanks to each and every one of you! Holy crap, you've just all made my day. Thank you so freaking much. <3


I was running.

Forest surrounded me, each tree and branch growing ever closer. The limbs threatened to swallow me while the ground pulled me deeper into its grasp. Eyes loomed on every side of me, peering through the thick brush to watch me struggle.

Something was behind me.

I knew what it was just by the sound of its running. Four paws landed one after the other, and they were quickly gaining on my failing pace. Snarls ripped through the trees as the wolf teamed up with the elements of the forest to send my heart into a frenzy.

I was panicking.

The panic caused me to look behind me, over my shoulder. However, the moment I did, I was swallowed by the forest. The trees turned into bushes as their twigs and vines forced me to the ground. I felt a sudden burning erupt from my limbs as they tied around my entire body. I screamed as I realized each and every twig, leaf, and speck of dirt was blazing in a never-ending fire. The fire was encompassing my body, slowly seeping into my skin. It singed and burned until my skin started melting into the flames. Scream after terrified scream escaped my lips until every inch of me was burning, my cries doing nothing to douse the torturous inferno.

Then, suddenly, it was gone. The forest left me alone in the middle of a clearing. My breathing was heavy as I cautiously stood, looking around in each direction. I thought I was finally safe until my gaze fell upon a dark figure lurking just beyond the tree line. Something in me recognized the figure, though their identity remained hidden.

"Hello?" I tentatively called out. My voice echoed through the field.

Slowly, the figure started to emerge. I quickly recognized that it was a woman. Long, chestnut hair fell across the woman's lengthy torso while blue eyes stared intently into my own. My breath caught in my chest as I realized who this woman was.

"Mom!" I cried, running quickly to her.

I crashed into my mother's frame, sending us both staggering a few paces back. My arms wrapped around her shoulders as I buried my face into her neck, sobs flowing freely from my lips. However, as I held her closer, I realized her body was stiff and unmoving.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked, finally pulling back and getting a look at her face. It was filled with rage.

As my arms left her side, I felt something cold swipe along my waist. I took a step back, only to realize she had done the same. Her body was rigid as she stepped away from me, one arm slowly and deliberately raising to my chest. My heart seemed to stop beating as a gun appeared in her hand.

"What are you doing?" I cried, slowly backing away.

"You failed me, Samantha," she spoke monotonously.

I slowly started backing away, raising my palms in surrender. As I did, my back fell into something solid. I quickly spun around only to see another taunting figure looming down on me. With horror, I realized I recognized this figure, too.


"You've made a terrible mistake," he suddenly whispered in my ear. "You must face the consequences."

Not My Alpha (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें