Chapter Twenty - Wolves - Part One

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Alrighty! So this chapter is a bit short, but it continues right where we left off. Enjoy :)


"Maybe is good enough for me." Samuel smiled. It lit up his face and I realized how much better he looked with that expression. His eyes scrunched at the side to reveal faint smile lines, all other worries, and anger erased with one emotion.

"What are you smirking about?" He suddenly asked me.

I shook my head lightly. "Nothing at all."

He let out a light breath. "Well, what else do you want to know?"

"Why are they keeping us here?" I thought for a moment. "I mean, why don't they just kill us?"

Samuel half laughed. "Like they could."

"That wasn't my question," I responded as I rolled my eyes.

Samuel shook his head. "These people are trying to get to the pack. I told you that already."

"I know. What I'm asking is how? How could they get to the pack this way?"

He paused, and I could see that he wasn't sure he wanted to answer my question. I gave him a look though, and he slowly continued. "Leverage."

I raised my eyebrows. "Leverage? For what?"

"It doesn't really matter. It's not going to work."

"Samuel, just answer my questions." I was growing more and more annoyed at how he was dancing around me. "What do they want?"

He sighed, clearly not happy that I hadn't dropped the subject. "They probably want to make a trade."

"Trade for what?"

"Their people for us," he told me slowly, testing the waters.

"You mean the werewolves have a ten-foot hole in the ground, too?" I laughed, trying to keep the mood light.

"Not exactly," Samuel smiled.

"Well, why do you keep them, then?" I thought for a moment. I wasn't oblivious to the casualties and situations of the war, but I couldn't wrap my head around why a pack of werewolves would keep humans hostage. Normally they killed on site.

"They're part of the resistance, Samantha. They broke the laws and have to face the consequences."

"So, it's true you kill them, then? Or do you just keep them locked up forever?"

Samuel stared at me for a hard moment. "Like I said, they're part of the resistance. I can't change the laws and consequences when they're broken. These people knew what they had coming."

I paused as I let his cryptic words sink in. Rumors had always floated around the town, especially when it came to the werewolves. No one outright spoke of it, but hushed whispers always filled the streets when someone went missing. Sometimes you saw them again, and sometimes you didn't. Some said they'd escaped, some said they'd been killed, and some say the werewolves kept them in prisons until they're bones decorated the floor.

"So what's going to happen to me?" I continued.

I hadn't thought about it until this moment, but I'd been caught running and therefore, I'd broken their law. If I didn't manage to get out before Samuel dragged me back to town, there was no way of telling what punishment they'd inflict.

Samuel's mouth opened slightly as his eyebrows furrowed. He bowed his head and rubbed his jaw, avoiding my gaze. I waited silently for him to answer. However, instead of answering me, he abruptly stood up and started pacing the small prison. I watched as he took large strides in each direction, crossing the room again and again without effort. The room suddenly seemed much smaller, and it was slowly suffocating me.

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