Chapter Twenty-Seven- Pain and Panic

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I woke up in the early hours of the morning, countless nightmares fresh on my mind. I was breathing heavily, sprawled out on my back, with my limbs folding over my chest. The fire next to me had died long ago and small rays of sunlight were emerging from the treetops outdoors. Beads of sweat fell across my forehead, but I quickly wiped them away, thinking only of the images flashing through my weary mind. 

Sleep had come quickly last night. After Samuel finally let me be, I'd listened carefully to his measured breathing. Once I was sure he was passed out, I followed. However, it wasn't a peaceful slumber I slipped in to. Countless and torturous dreams tormented me. Images of my family, bloody and lifeless, were the main themes. In more than one nightmare, I was the one that had killed them. 

I was tired. Even though I slept, I didn't know how much rest I'd actually gotten. After each nightmare, I'd wake up only to find I was still in the small cement house, still sleeping next to a dying fire. Though I was always shivering, I'd be covered in sweat. When I would finally fall back asleep, another nightmare would ensue. This caused a vicious cycle, the visions only getting exceedingly horrifying and twisted as the night went on. 

Riley and Samuel never noticed my constant wakings, and I made sure to keep it that way. Surprisingly, I'd gotten quite skilled at staying quiet. However, with the images of my bloody family plaguing my mind, I wasn't sure how much longer I would last.   

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when I heard an abrupt and loud noise right outside the door. I whipped my head to the worn down wood, watching carefully for any sign of movement. At the same time, Riley shot up from his position in the far corner of the room, readying himself for any sign of danger. Samuel immediately followed, placing himself directly in front of me. When the door started to open though, they both visibly relaxed. My eyebrows furrowed at their sudden change of demeanor, and I painfully lifted myself to my knees to peer around Samuel's wide frame. 

Sure enough, the door was fully opened and the morning dew was starting to seep inside. Just beyond the door were three figures, though only one of them was standing. When I tried to get a better look at the others, my gaze was cut off by the first form walking towards us. 

When I saw who the large figure belonged to, I understood Riley and Samuel's instant relief.  Payton Bray was slowly walking into the house, quickly closing the door once he was inside. I immediately noticed he was covered in dirt and missing his shoes. His clothing was slightly torn and his bright blue eyes were tired. This didn't take away from his overpowering presence though, and when he walked through the doorway he seemed to take up the entire room.   

"Bray, it's about damn time," Riley suddenly growled.

"Sorry, Alpha," he strained. "I ran into some problems." He jerked his head behind him, causing Samuel and Riley to follow the motion.

Riley nodded, looking back to Payton. "Why didn't you call?"

"It wasn't anything I couldn't handle," he shrugged, slowly relaxing. 

Riley laughed. "Obviously. What happened?" 

It was then that Payton's gaze rested on me, crouching behind Samuel. His cold eyes held mine in a tight hold, never allowing me to leave. It was only a moment he looked at me, but it felt like much, much longer. Deciphering what his gaze held was impossible and I soon felt the overwhelming need to apologize for even trying.

"Maybe we should talk outside," he started, finally looking away. 

Samuel shifted his weight, glancing down at me. Riley did the same, casually nodding. He didn't say anything but walked past us all and through the door. Payton quickly followed him, leaving me alone with Samuel. 

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