"So This Is How It Feels Like To Be Loved"

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The next couple days were strange for the both of them. Evan wasn't used to Jared not insulting him and Jared wasn't used to Evan being around him all the time. It only made him feel worse for hoping that the guy he loved would be him.

They had gotten into a routine of going to Evan's house for doing homework and then at Jared's to watch a movie or go somewhere to hang out. Once, when they were at Evan's, Heidi had come home to find both of them laying on the floor. "Oh, so you took Mrs. Kleinmen's advice," she had teased. She was referring to when Jared's mother had suggested that both of them should date.

At the mention of this, the boys blushed, a warm feeling covered their bodies. Jared had snorted and laughed, "Yeah, sure Ms. Hansen. Whatever helps you sleep."

Apparently, the woman didn't catch the sarcasm and by the next day, Jared's mom had found out. Excited by this news, their moms had gotten some money to buy movie tickets for the two.

The boys took the tickets since it was for the newest hit, [insert famous movie]. Jared bought all the food as Evan attempted to find seats that weren't disgusting or taken. They sat down, but neither could really focus.

Jared was more focused on the boy's gentle breathing and soft-looking skin. "Hey Evan?" He whispered. "Can I ask you something.. personal?"

Evan scrunched up his eyebrows but nodded anyways.

"Who's the guy that you um.." He though for a while, trying to find the correct words. "Who was the one to make you realize you were bi?"

Evan directed his eyes onto the screen. "Well-" He was cut off by the kid behind him pushing his seat and telling him to 'Shut his talking hole.'

Jared rolled his eyes and looked at the screen as well, knowing that he'd have to wait for another time to ask his question.

They spend the next hour or so watching [insert popular movie] and eating up popcorn. After the movie, Evan threw out the garbage and they headed to the car outside.

They were in the parking lot near Jared's car when Evan stopped. He grabbed Jared by his sleeve and looked at him, color flushed onto his face. The boy sighed, almost as if it were in preparation to what he was about to do. He connected his lips with Jared's, his heart pounded quickly.

Meanwhile, Jared was dumbfounded but rapidly he melted into the touch. The kiss finished as fast as it had began. Both of them were a love struck mess.

Jared drove Evan home as he tried to hide his smile. Once at the house, the taller boy stepped out of the car and waved a goodbye, his heart was still filled with an excited emotion he couldn't describe. Jared drove to his own place with a similar feeling.

As soon as he was home, he ignored his mom's questions and locked himself in his room. He threw off his shoes and layed on his bed, hugging his pillow tightly. So this is how it feels like to be loved, he thought.

All throughout the night, all they had on their mind was the other. They fell asleep, dreaming about each other, dreaming of a world where they could express their feelings without fear.

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