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Brave Girl

Elaine's POV

"She will" I assure him. He nods in a relief, but I don't see it by his actions, but with his eyes.

"Please, take care if her. Help her with her illness. She's the only one I have...." He panics, with a teary eyes now. I look at him with awe. I never expected to see him like this is our first meeting.

"I can't lose her too" And then, a tear escape from his eyes and glides slowly. I'm try not to cry either. He wipes it with his bare hand, but tears have escaping his eyes more.

I nod, not only I don't trust my voice right now, but my mouth might let out the question, that I've been dying to ask. Are their parents still alive??

But I'm not gonna ask that, it's too disrespectful.

I feel the pocket of my pants, trying to find my handkerchief, until I try it to the other side and there it is. I hand it to him with light smile.

"No, it's okay." Clearly, seeing that his not okay, "I insist" while still offering him my handkerchief. He smiles at me.

"Thank you." He say, while wiping his tears with my handkerchief

"Of course, no problem." I assure him.

Then, Jerold appear with a cup of tea and a cup of hot (but warm, due to temperature) chocolate.

"Here's both of your order. I'm gonna get mine now, be right back." Then he rush to the counter, to claim his order.

"By the way, how old are you?" I ask.

"20, why did you ask?" He ask back.

"Nothing, I just think I'm going to need it" I answer, not really sure, but at the same time I do.

"What if after 5 years, then you just gonna need it?? Can you still remember it?" He ask with a challenging look and a challenging tone, yet a grin appear on his face.

"Of course, it's in the back if my mind now." I sass with a light laugh.
He laugh also. And a genuine smile. A real genuine smile. It's not that I'm surprise, that he can smile. It's just, like dude, it's my first time to see him smile.

My encounters with him was always has been, him being lumpy and grumpy.

"You both having a great time?"

We turn to our side, and see Jerold, holding his favorite cup of coffee, with a smile on his face, but I can sense there's something else. Knowing that our meeting turned out to be great. I nod, so Lumine does.

"What took you so long?" I ask, wondering what did he do in that kinda long time.

"I went to the bathroom." He answer me, casual.

"Well I think that's a wrap for now. And if it's okay to you, I'm gonna give you my number. But if not, I understand." Lumine offers. I look at him with wide eyes. I wave my hand in front of me.

"No, it's great." I insist. We take out our phones, and I see that Lumine's phone is kinda out of type for these days. But I don't mind and I don't judge (Even though I just already did).

We exchange our numbers, and it's the tine to say goodbye.

"Well, I enjoy that lovely meeting. And expect us to meet soon. Take care, Doctor. See ya." He says while his "salute" both me and Jerold with his right arm. I smile at him, and I nod.

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