Chapter 4: Torture and Interrogation

Start from the beginning



Finishing my story, I nearly laughed out loud as I saw their reactions.

Bandana Man had his mouth opened a bit before closing it and clearing his throat, probably trying to regain his composure.

Gai-sensei was looking anywhere but at me. The old man looked ready to faint at any given time.

Finally losing it, I laughed so hard I fell off my chair.

"Oh. My. Kami! You're..... reactions a-are the best!" I was able to blurt out in between laughs. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see them looking at me like I'm crazy, which I am.

It took a while but I was finally able to calm down. I yawned a bit before looking back at the old man.

"So, are we done?"

The old man smiled and nodded slowly as I stood up. I flashed them a grin before getting out of the room. As soon as I got out, I sighed heavily. Was my exhibition too much?


But they made it too easy. I thought shinobi should keep their emotions in check.

As I stepped out of the building, I felt a cold breeze brush on my face. I blinked once, trying to remember if it had been this cold before.

The sudden feeling of being watched made me froze. Looking around subtly, I turned above me, where I could sense the old man's chakra.

Shrugging, I aimlessly wandered the streets, not in the mood to go back to Gai-sensei's home yet. Besides, I'm an insomniac, something Onii-san constantly tried to cure me from.

I sighed heavily at the memory of Onii-san. It may have only been a couple of days, but we were never separated for this long.

I looked up at the starry sky, finding nii-san's self proclaimed star among the sea of lights. I gave a sad smile at it.

"Why'd you have to leave, Onii-san?" I questioned up above the star, getting a twinkle in return. I was about to look away, when a shooting star suddenly showed up. My eyes gleamed in excitement as I continued watching it. As it was about to vanish, I closed my eyes and made a wish.

"I wish to see my nii-san again."
I opened my eyes, only to find a head with a mop of blonde hair collide with mine.

*In the T&I Building*

As soon as the door shut behind Mitsuki, the Hokage's smile vanished. His mouth was a grim line as he surveyed his companions. Gai, who was naturally "youthful" and energetic, seemed to be in low spirits. Ibiki, meanwhile, got out of his shock and was smirking. The Sandaime had a good guess why.

As for the Hokage himself, he was still quite rustled about this sudden turn of events. He was slightly regretting letting the boy stay in his village. But still, he wouldn't just kick Mitsuki out. He haven't done any offense to any of the villagers and was able to apprehend an enemy of the village.  Plus, he was seven years old and an orphan. The old Hokage's conscience wouldn't allow him to just ignore a young child and let him fend for his own. Not that he can't actually do that, but that's beside the point. Sure he was a missing-nin's brother, so what? Mitsuki wasn't the criminal, his brother is. And he didn't do anything that illegal.

"What do you propose we do to Mitsuki, Hokage-sama?" The village leader turned to Gai, who was still a bit put off about the incident an hour ago. The Hokage closed his eyes.

"For now, we'll just have to put him under surveillance. If he behaves more suspiciously than normal, that is when we'll act out." He stated before opening his eyes and bringing out his crystal ball out of nowhere. Immediately, he tried to look for Mitsuki, which wasn't that hard as the boy wasn't that far off from their location.

With the two other conscious occupants of the room looking over his shoulder, the Sandaime watched as Mitsuki's figure materialized in the crystal ball. He smiled softly as Mitsuki blinked confusedly when a breeze blew past him. It would seem the boy still had retained some of his innocence, no matter how small.

Suddenly, the boy froze and looked around aimlessly, as if searching for something.

It was Sarutobi's turn to freeze when the boy suddenly looked above him, where the crystal ball was giving them the image.

He suddenly remembered the interview from before, where Mitsuki was able to sense the hidden ANBU in his office, a fit no seven-year-old should be able to do.

His surprise grew when he saw the boy turn back and sigh sadly before looking up to the sky. As he looked on, Mitsuki's eyes flickered left and right, seeming to be looking for something up above. Moments later, he gave a sad smile. The Sandaime was confused. What made him do that? His confusion turned to sadness for the boy when he heard Mitsuki speak.

"Why'd you have to leave, Onii-san?"
It was heartbreaking, watching the boy cry. After the boy's show of power some time ago, he was still just that: a boy. A boy who was forced to grow up earlier than his peers, and to be abandoned by his only family.

Thinking he couldn't take anymore, the Sandaime dispelled the jutsu. He turned to his two other companions who mirrored his own expression, Ibiki more subtle than Gai.

"Dismissed." The Sandaime ordered. Gai was the first to leave. He was still the guardian of Mitsuki and thus, has to check up on said boy. With his mouth forming a grim line, he went out, still processing what had transpired the last couple of hours. Ibiki didn't really need to go. They were already on his place of work. The Sandaime was the last to go, putting away his crystal ball before going out to attend to his duties as Hokage.

Had he watched for a little while longer, he would've had seen the shooting star. But most importantly, he would've had seen the blonde boy crash into Mitsuki.

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