Creeped the Fudge OUT!

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Okay so awhile ago I added a book on wattpad called "Anime Reviews by NeriBurns" I read it (it was awesome) and wrote a list of the animes that I would like to see in the future. Today was that future...

How today went..

Wake up and do my waking up routine.

Check wattpad


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Bored. Bored.Bored

Oh *lightbulb* let's watch an anime

Okay so by then I had watched every episode of the anime that I was watching, well re-watching. So I go through the anime list that I had made on my phone (I wanted to watch something scary, not a good choice) and happened to come across "Corpse Party: Tortured Souls" YAY!! Not.

Its not that it's a horrible show its just fucked up but awesome and awesome all together.

Anywhore I watched it, and was amazed, that was at 5:00 in the afternoon and now its 2:00 in the morning and I'm thinking about it. Chills Chills Chills EVERYWHERE!!!


~~ Peace out my precious watermelons

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