If You Could, Would You?

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There was a pain in his head before he noticed someone approaching, and his yellow eyes narrowed on the penguin. "What the hell is going on here?" He bared his teeth at him.

Cody didn't answer, putting down four crystals that looked like they came from the blue ones by the Conch Command and looked at a paper in his hand, then back down at the ingredients. "Hey!" The kraken gritted his teeth. "Penguin! Don't ignore me!"

"There's no other way." Cody said out of the blue. The kraken blinked as the penguin sighed to himself. "I've looked in the past- I tried everything! Or everything that I could possibly do at least! And then I learned of this option and... And I have to take it. I know the cost but it's.... I just miss him so much."

The Tide Changer stared, wide eyed. "...Am I supposed to know what you're talking about or are you supposed to sound like a lunatic?"

It took Cody a moment to answer but in the end, he did. "I found a way to bring back Joe. Unfortunately it requires... Sacrifice."

KrakenKid paused for a long moment, then it hit him. Blood drained from his face and be started to yell. "Wait WHAT? Why me? There are way worse people than me!" He tried to move again but his limbs only gave a half hearted twitch. Did he drug me?

"I thought the same thing but it has to be a soup equal to his. A leader. You're the lesser of two evils." Cody explained, never looking him in the eye.

KrakenKid struggled for words. It felt like a bad dream but he wasn't waking up. "Cody! Cody, dang it, you can't do this! Don't you realize what'll happen? The Tide Changers will go after you- they'll do anything to kill you! You can't kill me, you'll start a war!"

Cody didn't answer. KrakenKid gulped, heart racing. Being logical wasn't working, he had to try something else. "Cody. Cody, look at me. I have a child. You'll orphan him, is that really what you want?"

He still didn't answer, nor would he look at him. KrakenKid tried screaming for help but quickly learned that nobody was listening. He was on his own.

He was stuck as Cody started to perform the ritual, mumbling words he couldn't understand and crushing up the plants and laying it all around him. KrakenKid sighed. "Guess it wasn't too hard to make a choice, huh? Your brother or the guy who has made your life miserable. I had no chance, did I?"

KrakenKid got the silence he expected. That didn't stop him from talking.

"I mean in the end, I'm basically just a nuisance to you, aren't I? Just some purple squid looking for something he can never have, because apparently this world is against me. Should've known that years ago but apparently, I'm only getting it now. And it's not like I even matter, do I? Not to you, not to Atlantis." KrakenKid wasn't sure Cody was going to back out so he just kept talking. After a certain point, he couldn't stop himself. It just poured out like a waterfall from his mouth. If he was going to die, he had some last words to say at the least.

"I won't even get to say goodbye." KrakenKid murmured after a long pause. He didn't bother with watching Cody as he set up crystals in a square formation, he couldn't stop thinking about how he was going to kill him. "My last words to them are set in stone now, what did I even say? I think I called Cannibal an idiot, that's there forever now. I can't undo that, those are my last words to him."

Cody still couldn't say anything to him. It didn't help when he was all finished up with only one thing to do. Slowly, he made his way over to the Tide Changer and stood behind him, taking his Spear out. KrakenKid didn't have to strain himself to look at him, he knew what he was doing.

"You really hate me that much, huh? Not even going to say anything to me?" KrakenKid huffed, his eyes closing. "Thought you'd at least owe me that much but I guess not. Just make it quick, I don't want to die from bleeding out." He bowed his head, waiting.

Memes And Other Fun| Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora