Chapter 12 - Caught

Start from the beginning

Crane: "Not a bad move, yellow. Not bad at all."

Crane let go of her hand and walked back toward the center of the room.

Crane: "Shall I continue my story?"

Ironwood: "Please do."

Crane: "Alright then. Before I move on, any unanswered questions?"

Qrow: "For one, you could tell us how you got here. You don't accidentally manage to crash a five thousand ton ship onto some random planet."

Jaune: "Wait...crash?"

Nora: "You have a space ship?!"

Crane: "Yes, and yes. As for crashing here, we were ambushed by Separatist ships in orbit of Dagobah, a planet that I don't think is too far from here. My guess is that Remnant must be somewhere in the Outer Rim of uncharted space. While in the battle, our navicomputer was damaged, causing the hyperspace calculations in the computer to get corrupted, sending us off of our course. We had another ship jump to lightspeed with us, but we haven't seen them since we jumped. You wouldn't happen to have seen another one of our ships crash would you?"

Qrow: "No, but I did see what I think was a shooting star go by the far side of the planet right before you crashed."

Crane: "I see...I'll investigate it later then."

Ironwood: "How many of you crashed here?"

Crane: "Well, our standard crew compliment at the time was approximately sixteen thousand and seven hundred. During the attack we lost about a thousand, and the crash and fires alone killed another seven thousand.. That brings us down to about eight thousand six hundred crew."

Pyrrha: "Oh my Oum..."

Ironwood: "I see...and I'm guessing you have more vehicles than the one I saw outside?"

Crane: "You'd be correct. The ship outside is a Low Altitude Assault Transport infantry variant, or the LAAT/I for short. It's basically just an armed dropship. Our ship can carry about sixty six of the gunships, and fourteen more of a carrier variant for our tanks. However, two of our hangars were destroyed in the crash, leaving about four dropships and twelve gunships. As for our tanks, we're equipped with forty eight All Terrain Tactical Enforcers. They were also stored in hangars, so we're down to about six of them. In the end, we've lost half of our crew and over a two thirds of our armored support. Our communications are also destroyed, so we have no way of contacting the Republic for assistance."

Everyone stood quietly taking in the information they had just been given. Glynda decided to pop the very essential question for their safety.

Glynda: "Were you followed by these Separatists?"

Everyone looked at Crane. Crane sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. He hesitated before answering.

Crane: "Possibly. It's theoretically impossible to track a ship through hyperspace, but it's not impossible to try and calculate a possible route we would have taken. We only travel in a straight line in hyperspace. The Separatists have tons of resources and expendable tools to use to track us down. However with the war going on, I don't think they'll be bothered trying to track us down. They probably think we're dead or worse. Unfortunately, we were on our way to support another Republic attack force when we were ambushed, so it's most likely they think we're dead too."

Ozpin: "We will do whatever we can to assist you."

Crane chuckled slightly, confusing everyone in the room.

Crimson: "What's so funny sir?"

Crane: "It's funny because I had a feeling he'd ask that. You see, I think it's best to decline that offer."

Ozpin: "Might I ask why?"

Crane: "Don't get me wrong, your offer is appreciated. However, you lack the necessary knowledge and skills to assist us in our endeavor. Also, I'd actually appreciate it that no one else know of our arrival here on Remnant. We don't need any trouble or panic over people from another world on a planet that clearly hasn't had anything of the sort before. Now before we go, do you require anything of us?"

Ozpin was slightly surprised, but his expression was quickly replaced by one of approval and understanding.

Ozpin: "Definitely not the response I was expecting from a sixteen year old boy..."

Ozpin: "A very wise decision. Very well then. I wish you and your companions save travels."

Crane: "Thank you sir."

Crane bowed before Ozpin and left the room with the clones following him.

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