Chapter 106 answers

Start from the beginning

She rips some flesh off the wall and throws it at me and it sticks to my face.


I hear her footsteps get away from me


I rip it off and throw it on the floor.

Ash:Damnit...where did she go?!

I start trudging through the area seeing sludge and bodies everywhere. wonder he doesnt moniter this place its a wasteland.

Many dead warframes and corpus alike.

???:Im scaredd.....


I look to my right and left and see nobody


Suddenly there is a saryn behind me shes hunched over.

Saryn:Is there anything you could...spare...


Saryn:Like...A weapon?

Ash:No cant say I do.

I suspect this things a mutant and dont let it out my sight.

Saryn:Oh...Thats makes me sad...

She turns around and starts walking. this place a breeding ground for mutants?


She tilts her head towards me and her face looks like a humans with a scary expression on her face as it looks melted.

Saryn:We prefer...outcasts...tehehe...

She walks into a wall and disappears.

Ash:Shouldnt stay here longer then I got too...doubt any hunters would try and kill me here thou.

Im cut off as the saryn flops out the ceiling.



I punch her in the face out of reflex with my non gauntlet hand

Saryn:Yeah...okay I deserved that...

She slumps out the ceiling and is standing infront of me.

Saryn:What are you here for....

Ash:That ravenous one that ran past.

Saryn:Ravenous one?... hell that could be all of us. You look delic...

Ash:Ill rip your fuckin head off if you stand in my way.

I grab her neck with my gauntlet hand

Ash:Think for a second ill hesitate? Test me.

Saryn:Ggh!?! Ghggh!?

I throw her to the side

Ash:Got shit to do. Excuse me.

I start following after the husk further and further finding more bodies and going around areas with many infested sounds. were just gonna leave me?

Ash:Im sick of yo..

Saryn:Look im so...

Ash:DONT CUT ME THE FUCK OFF! Why are you following me?

Saryn:Your dont like our kind do you.

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