Chapter 22 confession [ SMUT ]

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About a day went by and the slates were destroyed and the Kings still have their powers. But Shiro Munakata and Anna and the rest of clansmen were confused as in why they still have it.

Everyone was in a meeting room like last time.

" I don't understand, I thought you destroyed it. " Awashima spoke in confusion as she looks towards Alex even everyone.

Fushimi seating next to her confused as well.

" yea... It was destroyed but... " paused at mid-sentence. " I transfer all the powers and energy inside me. "

Everyone gasped, shiro ask her, " so you figure out a way to keep the slates. "

She nodded, " why? " shiro ask her.

Alex look at them and waited for her answer, " because I know you wanted to show the world of the slates. " she said then continue. " not as weapons but bring happiness. That's why I transfer all of the power of the slates inside me like I did to nagare. He was going to use it as weapons not being closer together. "

As she said that everyone took a moment if it was a good idea.

Few minutes went by, they agreed to it. Shiro made a smiled, " okay but since you have all that energy we are going to train you on how to control it. " Munakata and Anna nodded.

After that everyone went back to their territories. And continue like always as a regular day went by.

A week

Spector 4 went back to base started doing work. Munakata Anna and Shiro started to train Alex to get used of her powers since she is the slates that holds their power. And alongside Yata and the two clansmen Kuroh and Neko, and Yata was there beside their king. After the training shiro ask her a question.

" Um, Alex chan. Have you figure out your decision.?"

" decision? " she asks in confusion.

Shiro nods. " about you going home or stayed?.." She thought about it.

" I haven't figured that out yet. "

Munakata and Anna glance each other. " you don't. " Anna replied.

She looks towards them, " well actually before, " she looks at the sky, " I arrived here I have no clue what's happening. I was lost, scared, that I want to go home. But now I don't know. "

Shiro smiled and giggle a lil. She was confused why then he told her.

" well, Yata misaki kun made a request. " Alex look towards him. " meaning?.."

" it's my gift to you. " he smiled. As he told her.

Alex saw and smiled, " thank you...Yata " she said as she was hugging him. He took notice and hugged her back.

Time skip

Fushimi was back at work, from returning to the blue clan from the jungle. The long mission was finally over. His leg was finally healed from his battle, and after that long fight and mission, he decided to take a break.

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