Chapter 12 meeting all clans

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Alex wakes up as she got up and get ready when she was about to head out the door she saw her book. Then remembers last night. With her and fushimi.


" it's okay nothing's going to happen...ill be there be ur side.." They both made eye contact, " y-you are?.." He nods.

" I shall do the same... I'll be there when you need me,.."

" and you need me.. Side by side.." She chuckle a little, " side by side.."

Then they both shake on it, then they both realize that they both are holding hands when they look at each other they're hearts skip a beat. Then fushimi lead in closer to her, when Ayana could feel his body heat.

Flashback ends

She shakes her head. Then realized that her face is warm. " is it possible?.."


Alex made her way towards the kitchen to get something to eat, when she heard talking. In the break room.

" ??.." She opened the door then.

" good-..."

" Good Morning alex chan!!!~..." Domyoji tackles her in a bear hug. Which surprised Alex. " hehe... Morning Domyoji, morning everyone..." She said giving them a warm smile, as they replied back to her.

" morning Alex did you sleep well?.." Akiyama replied to her. She nods, " yes thank you..." Then they heard a growing. " ?? Alex chan are you hungry?.." Domyoji ask her. " yea I was about to ask you guys if there a kitchen?.."

" yes there is... We can show u there..." Hidaka responded. Then fuse spoke, " why?.."

" huh... Oh I was thinking of cooking breakfast..." When they heard breakfast, Domyoji jumped, " you are going to cook?!.." He said with excitement Alex nodded. " yea have u guys eaten?.." They all shake their heads, " do you guys want some, I'm gonna cook pancakes eggs and bacon, you guys want some?.."

With no second thoughts they all said ' yes!!!'  Alex chuckles at their reaction. " ok "

2 minutes later..

" ok done!!... " she said. As she was out she could see the drooling from their mouths. " thank you for the meal!!." They said as they started eating.


Fushimi, Awashima and the blue King Munakata were walking with towards the office to start work.

" captain r u sure? About this meeting all of the clans??.." Awashima said to Munakata. He push up his glasses, and sigh " I'm positive... Plus, if we don't do something then jungle will."

Fushimi kept his emotional face, " Fushimi kun."

" yes sir.."

" I want u to watch over her when we encounter with jungle. When they try to take her. " Munakata order him. He groaned, " yes sir!."

As they were walking to their office, they heard chattering in the kitchen. " oh?.." Munakata responded.

" * sniff * I smell bacon ?.." Awashima replied. Fushimi smelled it as well as the three of them went to the kitchen. And saw....

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