Chapter 13 the plan and training

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Alex was up early, got breakfast and headed to the break room. Alex started sketching while listening to her music. At the end of her sketch she took a quick glance at, then

' ....... ' she stayed quiet until.

" what are you drawing Alex?" She flinches by the voice, " oh ah Awashima...I-it's nothing r-really.." She closed her book. Awashima tilted her head, in confusion.

" oh ok... Um, I came by to tell you that the Kings are here.."

" oh for training?" Awashima nodded. " ok let's go. " She took her book.

Awashima notices it. " Alex you like to draw huh?.."

" yes I do ever since I was's a hobby of mine...I like to draw randomly, especially people for some reason.." Alex answers her, while they were walking she told Awashima to meet her there. She nodded. Then she went into her room drop off her sketchbook on her study area, then left.

She made it to the training area, as she enters she saw 8 people Munakata, Awashima, Kusanagi, yata, Anna, Neko, Kuroh, and Shiro.

" morning Alex/ Alex Kun!.." They all said to her she waved with a smile.

" we are doing some training?."

" yes, especially the mission that you are going to help us so we need to do some training. And we are wondering you could help us?. " Shiro told her.

" I am?.."

" you got to help us Alex chan!!.." Neko begged her. She looks look at them, " of course what we need to do?" She nodded.

Mini skip...

" wait... So you guys want me to fight along with u guys?" Shiro nod. " yes especially protect the slate."

Kusanagi and Anna, look at her with confidence " we will help you, fight against the greens....". Munakata said the same thing to Alex, she looks towards Awashima she nodded.

" ok, I will do it..."

" but you will be separated from the others.." This surprise Alex and others. Munakata wide his eyes, " huh? I don't think that's..."

" it ok Munakata we will keep in contact with the power of Anna's power..." Shiro said. Munakata was against the idea of her all by herself.

" Plus, we're going to be is where the slates headed..." He informed. Alex was listening to his plan carefully, ' true but how am I going to get back tho?..' She thought. " um Shiro?.." He hummed.

" how am I going to get back home?..the gold King informed me to get to you.." Alex said to him, he looks at her. " speaking of I found ways of bringing you back. " she was surprised, everyone was.

" u found out how?.." Munakata and Anna said to Shiro. He looks at them giggled nervously. ' that's not a good sign..' Alex thought.

" ah aha, yea about that..." All of them look towards Shiro feeling nervous.

" ??.."


Alex decided to help them and protect the slate. "You're ready?.." Kourh said to her. Even Neko got ready. She nodded. He got his stance ready, even Alex took a deep breath, she took out her secret weapon which is sharp blades.

" ready!.." She smiled.
------- next chapter: Chapter 14 feelings?

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