Chapter 19 emotions

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' F- Fushimi....',

Alex thought to herself when she notices Fushimi. He betrays the blue clan and joined the Greens. Even tho she knows that and she knows what will happen next she couldn't believe right in front of her. Other members saw both Alex and Fushimi made contact. While Fushimi couldn't believe it, his eyes widen in shocked that she's still alive and she here in the jungle.

Sukuna broke the silence, " it looks like they know each other..."

Fushimi glanced at them, ' I have to play it cool if I don't want to get noticed...' 

" it seems you guys know each other, right Fushimi San," Nagare spoke to him. Fushimi looks at Alex and saw her eyes of sadness. As much he wants to tell about it he couldn't. 

He clicks his tongue, the others look at him and Alex.

" why are you doing this?!." She yelled at nagare.

" You see Alex chan my completion is not over yet."

Her eyes  narrow at him, " you are saying..." He nodded. " you are my last puzzle. " he paused, " but I know that the gold King told you."

She looks down at the floor and left. While leaving Fushimi glances back at her, over his shoulder.


Later that day, Alex was leaning her head against the cage. Until she heard low voices calling her name. She turned and saw the owner of the voice she was not expecting to see.

" Fushimi?! What are you doing here you are going to get yourself caught!.." She yelled whisper. Fushimi shh her, then spoke " it's... It's a long story. "

" why? Tell me what happened. " Alex said to him. He clicked his tongue. Then she notices the worried in his eyes.

" you won't tell me huh. " Fushimi shakes his head.

" but I'm gonna get you out of here," he said to her.

Alex lifts her head. Surprised by his answer. He wouldn't tell her why he quit the blue clan and joined the Greens.

" if you get me out, you'll tell me what happened, " she asks him, to his response with a hummed.

" why did you come?"

" I wanted to see you, " he said to her,  they both stared each other for a while then he left Alex, in the cage looking back at him.


After he left Alex, he went to around the area outside of the HQ. He notices the two clansmen talking about something. He went closet to hear the conversation.

" so how are we going to get the slates to work. Since we got the slates and the girl. " clansmen 1 reply.

Fushimi went to the shadows, leaning his back and look over. And listen.

" I don't know but, I heard that in order to work it needs something from the girl. " clansmen 2 answered.

Fushimi heard them, " something from Alex?.."  He said to himself.

He thought about it and started to head back to HQ. He clicked his tongue, ' i need to get Alex out of there and stop it before it's too late!..' 

Time Skip

Alex was staring at the ground and heard two footsteps coming towards her. It was nagare and Iwa.

' something is not right..' She thought. Then nagare was smiling at her.

--- next chapter: Chapter 20 rescue mission

K: For better? Or For worse?  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang