Chapter 21 alive or dead

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" you can't win!!.. Silver King!!." Nagare yelled at Shiro as they were still fighting. Shiro keeps dodging his attacks. And almost made a hit on Nagare but blocked it.

Shiro glanced at Alex see she okay but was looking at the slates.

Ayana look at it, and towards the group. " that's enough!!! " she yelled.

Shiro look towards Ayana saw what she's about to do. Nagare saw her standing near the slates.

" you can't stop it, Alex chan. There's no way to stop it. " Nagare said to her. Alex glared at him. Shiro yelled at her.

" Alex chan stop! In order to make it work, it needs -.." He was cut off by her answer.

" me... For my decision to either activate it or not. Let it live or die. "

Nagare was surprised that she figures it out. " now what is your decision?.."

Alex watches him walk closer to her while Shiro was standing there in shocked witness that Alex might betray him. Minutes later Neko, and Kuroh came in with the same expression.

" Alex chan!!! " Neko called out.

" Alex chan what are you doing!!.." Kuroh called, and about to walk towards her but Shiro blocked his clansmen. They both look at him. As to why he stop them.

" Shiro?.."

They turned to Alex. Who has a different expression on her face. Which Shiro and the two saw and figure it out. Alex nods, she held her hand out to him. Nagare seeing this he accepted her hand.

" I'm joining on your plan Nagare. " she paused as they both shake their hands.

nagare was about to let go of her hand but couldn't. He looks up and saw her tightening her grip on him. As he saw his aura coming towards her.

" but... I can't let you do this!!.." She yelled closing her eyes and felt a lot of energy coming to her.

He tried to let go but couldn't. Shiro nod the others saw Alex with green around her. Shiro figured it out.

" she's transported his energy to her. " Kuroh.

Neko eyes widen, " which means?.."

Shiro nods, " she's taking all of his energy,... His power. "

Then Alex finally let go of Nagare as he barely standing, he felt that all of his aura was gone. He saw Shiro and his clansmen walking beside her. Then collapsed, as he fell to the ground they heard that Nagare spoke saying it's too late.

" the slates are awaking by her emotions. " he said with heavy breathing then spoke, " there's no way you can't stop it. " then stopped closing his eyes.

Shiro looked at saw it glowing, " I'm going to bring down my sword. We have to go! "

Alex saw a figure out the problem, " wait! Shiro, I'll stop it!!.."

But it's scuide!!" Shiro told her. Alex looks at it and told him, " there's still a way. "

Shiro look at her then felt the wall and the place collapsing. He gave her a weak smile. Then Kuroh grabs a hold of him and Neko. Shiro watches Alex, left behind.

" Alex chan!!" Shiro and Neko called out to her, Neko reaches her hand out about to cry.

Alex turned around and stand on top of the slates, she saw it glowing and place both of her hands on top of it closing her eyes and focusing. Asa she focuses she saw both gray and green King near her.

" come on! Focus Alex!! Focus!.." She yelled then felt all of the energy inside her.

She turned to face the slates and started doing what she did to nagare. As she felt and smell concrete around her.


After everyone was out of the entrance Munakata and Anna saw Shiro and Neko Kuroh out. But Fushimi notices Alex was not there, his eyes widened in fear.

" Where's Alex? " Fushimi ask Shiro. Which he limp towards him by his injury on his leg.

Shiro looks at him with sad eyes. Right, when he was about to speak everything was covered in concrete. Everyone got worried.

" ALEX!!"

Fushimi tries to run towards it, moving concrete, and concrete looking for Alex but nothing. Spector 4 decide to help him, even homra. Also Shiro Kuroh and Neko. Fushimi was starting to cry.

" please! Please be alive Alex!.." Said in sobs, Munakata walk towards him trying to comfort him even Awashima.

" you don't think?.." Hidaka spoke. As the special unit squad of Spector 4 had a sad face by the news. Even the silver and red clan. A few minutes later all of sudden they saw something in the sky.

" is that?.." Akiyama spoke. As him and the rest look up in the sky and saw 7 swords by color.

" those are the seven swords. Of seven kings. " Kusanagi replied, as he was in shock.

Then all the seven swords started glowing. Fushimi gasped and kept moving the concrete until he felt something warm. He found her, Fushimi holds her and all the seven colors went to Alex as Fushimi held her, her body started glowing into different colors around her.

" Alex... Alex wake up! " he said as he paused. " please.. " he added. He put his forehead onto hers.

Then he heard something, " f-Fushimi..."

Alex opened her eyes and saw who was holding her. " am I.. Dead?.."

He laughs, then hugged her which surprised her. Then everyone smiled at her as they release a sigh of relief, they went to them. Munakata Shiro Anna and the rest smiled with relief.

Fushimi still hugging her, " don't scare me like that. " he spoke. Alex smiled and hugged him back. Relived that she's okay and safe.
--- next chapter: Chapter 22 confession [ SMUT ]

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