Girls Just wanna have fun

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I missed a day of school and stayed in my room that whole day, texting Sebastian when I knew he wasn't in class,singing, or writing. Those seemed to be the only things that would keep me happy, Ecspecially since Kurt was mad at me. I think thats the reason I stayed home, and Im pretty sure Kurt would have already told the glee club but that was probablly the worst thing to have happen ecspecially since they would think of it being another Rachel/Jesse Senario. I stood outside my English class and rubbed my hands together. Rory came out and smiled awkwardly. "Ah, Um Kurt Told us all what happened and, I just wanted to say, I don't think anyless of you." "Thanks Rory." I murmered wrapping my arms around his neck. "Do you think you can go to glee?" He asked softly. I bit my lip and nodded, letting him lead me in just to find It had Already started.

I came home, in the middle of the night
My father says "What you gonna do with your life?"
Well daddy dear, you know you're still number one
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, they...

As I sat down next to Rory I could feel Kurts Gaze on me, so I slowly looked up, and met his gaze. He looked sad. so sad. Everyone else seemed to have there gazes either on Santana or Finn. I looked over at Mr Shester who pointed at me before giving me a thumbs up. I nodded Half heartedly.


  The phone rings, in the middle of the night
My mother says "When you gonna live your life right?"
Well momma dear, we're not the fortunate ones
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, they...

That's all they really want...
Those girls, they wanna have fun

(Finn with Artie and New Directions Boys:)
Some boys take a beautiful girl
Oh, and they hide her away from the rest of the world
But not me, I wanna be the one in the sun
Girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, they...

That's all they really want...
Those girls, they wanna have fun  

When Finn had finnished, I could feel tears still going down my face so I quickly wiped my face on my sleeve before looking back at Finn. He stood up from his chair and went to go back to his original spot before Santana stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "Thank you." She whispered and Next thing you know they were hugging. I looked back over at Kurt to find him looking down, before I looked away. Everything was spiralling down, but Maybe things could get better.


I walked out of the choir room, my head down. Before Hearing footsteps behind me. I looked up. Finn." Hey Kenzie." "Hey." I murmered."Kurt told me, well The whole glee club about.. you know." I nodded. "But I was hoping you still could do a song..?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Thanks... Oh and Before I forget, Mr Shue wants you in his office." I turned around to leave but he grabbed my wrist. "Kenzie.. look after yourself." He said softly, wrapping me up in his arms. I hugged him back before walking to Mr Shues office in the Choir room. He stood up from his desk when he saw me walk in. "ah, good. Are you alright?" He asked softly. I shrugged. I honestly didn't know anymore. "Is that all you wanted to ask Mr shue?" He shook his head. "I wanted to know if your willing to do a solo at sectionals." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Mr Shue.. I would, but there are other talented people in glee that would be a better choice." He nodded. "But... You've never had a solo and you truly are amazing, Even Rachel thinks you should." "Really?" He nodded grinning. "I'll do it."


I sat in the choir room, playing around with the piano murmering the lyrics to my new song under my breath before feeling some one tap my shoulder. I looked up at Blaine and slightly smiled. "Thats beautiful." He said nodding. "Whats it called?" He asked, sitting crossed leg next to me. "Never think anyless of yourself/Heart break girl." I murmered. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "How does it go?" I passed him the Music sheet and the lyrics, his eyes scanning over them. "I think you should do it. It expresses your feelings and Santana's." "You think I should do it?"


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