Diary entry 16

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After being yelled at by brad to get out of his car I do so, and run inside bumping into my father, Fantastic.

"Why are you crying , what did he do to you?" My father runs to the door almost about to scream at brad but he drives away.

"He didn't do anything, I did" I'm no longer crying other then the odd hiccup I just feel so, I can't even explain it but I don't feel like crying.

"What did you do" he asks firmly

" I made a fool of myself that's what I did" I walk to the kitchen to get water, I feel like I might just die from all the alcohol I've consumed. "Okay I'm going to bed good night"
I walk past dad trying to get to the stairs
" no you won't, your gonna tell me what you did and why you were crying"

I roll my eyes I can't talk about this it's too embarrassing for me I wish I could take it all back.

"Argh I just kissed a guy and brad got jealous and it made me cry that's all ,he'll get over it" ...I hope.

"Oh, well ,he's not your boyfriend is he?" My dad questions raising an eyebrow

"Nah he's not I don't know why he's jealous who cares I'm tired goodnight" I make my way up the stairs slamming the door.

I'm glad I don't have school tomorrow I don't think I could face anyone. I can't believe what I've done.

This is short and sweet, like brad hehe.

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