Diary entry 12

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I wake up Sunday morning feeling anxious ( as per usual) and decide that I should meditate to clear my head so I do. After that I walk downstairs to see my father has prepared me bacon and eggs for breakfast what a legend.

"Yum thanks daddio" I say grabbing my plate and hoeing into the bacon with my hands.

"No problem sweet" he smiles " so I have something I wanted to ask you I guess" he says sort of hesitating.

"Shoot" I reply looking up at him

" so I feel like since things with your mother last night , I mean now that we know she doesn't hate us both" he pauses " well we were talking and she said she's hoping that she could see us more" another awkward pause " but I mean I totally get it if you don't want that just yet I mean we've only just found out about her reasoning for leaving and all that but I think it's a good idea, she misses us".

"oh" I stare down at my plate for a bit I've suddenly lost any hunger I had a few minutes ago.

" it's okay you don't have to answer now I get it"

" look it's not that it's just it doesn't feel right okay and I'm not willing to just let her back into my life properly yet." I sigh I feel bad for my father because I know how bad he misses her , I don't think he could ever get over her, even before when he thought she was cheating ( well she was sorta) but now we know it's because she has mental issues and still loves him, I know he'll never give up on her.

"Okay fair enough i get it, but if you change your mind" he really wants me to make an effort i can tell but he also understands why i'm not ready.


I didn't really do much on Sunday but today's Monday and I'm back at school, I feel a lot better about everything I guess , now that me and phoenix are all good and I know why my mother treated me the way she did. Still doesn't really make sense to me but whatever.

"Heyyyyyyy" phoenix calls to me from across the school halls we run towards each other meeting the middle and hugging each other like we haven't seen each other in years.

" hiya" I smile at her as we link arms and walk to class " so how's harry" I say rolling my eyes with a small smirk .

" yeah good" she says sort of bluntly but I don't question it "how's bradley?" She adds smirking and nudging me with her elbow.

"Shut your pie hole* I say pushing her into the locker lightly.

" fineeeee, anway so um how's you and your mums situation?" She asks supportively.

"Well, you know I'm still surprised and sorta pissed off but at least,you know she doesn't hate me" I shrug with a small smile.

"Well If you wanna talk about it just call me or something I'm here" she pats my shoulder as we enter into our music class.

"HARRRRYYYYYY" she squeals running up to him and jumping on his back kissing him on the cheek. So I guess they're all good.

I roll my eyes and turn around to see brad walk in through the door.

" hey babe" he smirks

"Would you stop calling me babe" I whine .

"Nah" he chuckles

He awkwardly stares at me and gives me a polite smile " you good?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask sort of defensively.

"Well i don't know why but , I know something happened" he pauses awkwardly " so are you okay"

" yeah I am. Better than normal, well I should be , I just feel weird that's all" i sigh.

"Oh, that's okay I'm sure you'll feel yourself soon enough" he smiles giving me a side hug which makes me smile to myself.


This chapter is sorta short and isn't very good but it's a filler so bear with me.

Dear diary ( bws fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt