Diary entry 2

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" ah yeah i have what makes you assume that" i roll my eyes trying to avoid eye contact with him because I haven't actually had a boyfriend and I don't want him to sense I'm lying.

"Cause you keep judging every couple you see" he states.

" interesting" i say bluntly, while speeding up hoping the conversation will end because im starting to get nervous.

He also starts to speed up besides me "so what's your deal?" he says grabbing my shoulder to slow me down.

" what?" I look at his hand on my arm and move it off as though im disgusted it's on me.

"Well why are you so cynical towards couples"

I look at him sorta squinting my eyes to show that it was a stupid question " why not, they are cringe,no one GIVES a fuck about your love life, and also i hate people calling each other baby or babe we are not foetuses or pigs" i say while walking by another couple aiming my harsh comments at them they turn their heads and pull the finger at me and i just smirk.

" a pig?" he asks confused

I sigh "you know off the movie babe"

" oh, righty i knew that" he points his pointer finger in the air as if to show he understands.

"Yeah ok bye" i say blunty once again and start to speed walk off to class.

" hey , slow down babe" he chases after me lightly grabbing me by the arm and my tingles return.

I shoot him a glare " call me that again and you'll end up like the pig in babe" i smile hiding my lips and raising my eyebrows up and down making me look sorta like a pedofile.

" ouch my bad" he says raising his hand up as though he's surrendering still with the other hand on my arm to keep up.

I finally make it to class hoping he'll walk off but apparently he's in my music class as well how swell.


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