Flying (PP)

Depuis le début

Tony smiles and you just smile back.

Then he puts you down on the play mat with Peter.

"Scary." Is all you said

"Yes." Peter replies.

Then you both just stare at the floor.

Steve walked in.

He looked at both of you staring at the floor.

Tony was watching you both.

"Tony...what's  wrong with Peter and Y/n?" He asks

"What?" Tony asks

"They're staring at the floor. In silence. It's kinda freaky" Steve says

Tony looks at you both intently. You both were wide eyed and staring at the floor silently.

"What happened Pete?" Steve asks Peter crouching down.

"Flying." He says

"Scary." You say

Steve nods.

"Tony did you toss them up in the air?" He asks

"Yeah. They loved it! They were squealing!"

"In terror! They look petrified!" Steve says motioning to you and Peter.

Tony looks at you guys again.

"Did I scare you guys?" He asks crouching down next to you guys.

Peter looks at him with his adorable big brown eyes. And you look at him with your adorable big y/e/c colored eyes.

"Yeah." You both day sadly.

Tony frowns.

"Uncle Tony. I'm sorry. You were having fun. We didn't wanna ruin that." You say frowning sadly.

"Sorry Dad." Peter says

Tony smiles.

"It's ok kiddos. Just tell me next time k?" He says

You and Peter nod sadly.

"Hey, lets go get some ice cream, yeah?" Tony says

You and Peter cheer up.

Steve picks up Peter and Tony picks you up.

Tony and Steve take you both to you and Peter's favorite ice cream parlor.

You both got your favorite flavors.

You guys were happy.

When you got back home Nat and Bruce picked you up and played with you for a while since she missed the day with you.

"How was your day sweetie?" She asks

"Good. Uncle Tony kinda scared me but he made up for it with ice cream!" You say smiling widely.

"He scared you?" Bruce asks

"Yeah. But ice cream!" You exclaim laughing

Nat checks the time.

"Oh. It's 7:30 sweetie, time for bed." She says

"Awww" You say

"You can spend time with Peter tomorrow. Like always. You guys are inseparable." She says carrying you back to your room.

"Best friend." You say smiling

"Yes. You guys are best friends." Bruce says smiling.

They gets to yours and Peter's room.

She opens the door and Tony and Steve were saying goodnight to Peter.

They turn around to look at you and Peter smiled when he saw you.

You smiled back.

"Night Peter, we love you." Tony says

"Love you Dad. Love you pop." Peter says

They both kiss him on the forehead, tuck him in, then they walk up to you.

"Goodnight sweet pea." Tony says to you.

He gave you the nickname sweet pea because your dad was The Hulk. And he was green.

"Goodnight little spider." Steve says smiling.

He gave you the nickname little spider, Peter was Spidey. Since you both had the same powers.

"Night Uncle Tony, night uncle Steve." You say smiling.

They kiss you on the head then head out.

"Night guys." They say to Nat and Bruce.

"Night." They reply

Nat puts you in your bed.

You guys grew out of your cribs a few months ago. But if you guys missed it they can always be converted back to cribs.

"Love you sweetie." Nat says and kisses you on the forehead.

"Night Princess. Love you." Bruce says kissing you on the forehead.

"Night mommy, night Dad. Love you too." You say

They smile, tuck you in then head out the door. They close it behind them.

You look at Peter who was already looking back to you.

You get out of the bed and then head over to Peter.

Peter gets out of his bed and heads over to you.

You meet in the middle and hug each other.

"Night Pete." You say

"Night Y/n." He says

Then you let go of each other then go back to your beds.

You and Peter were always going to be best friends.

AWWWWWWW. I love fluffy chapters.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:1072

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant